
Responses from argyro

Upgrading from Kharma 3.2 to Verity Parsifal
Thanks Sebastian.What you said is so true. With the kharmas I was always looking at the woofers after a loud passage afraid that they would be damaged.Michael. 
Integrated Owners: I Need an Excellent Power Cord
Purist Audio 20th Anniversary/ Dominus or a Virtual Dynamics. I have Master 2.0 in my Gryphon Diablo integrated which works very well. 
Laid Back Speakers amps, players etc
Great answers everybody!!I would suggest Verity speakers, purist audio cables, cardas cables, most tubes, spendor speakers, sonus faber maybe, Lamms, generally anything that makes you relax as real music does. 
Upgrading from Kharma 3.2 to Verity Parsifal
Its been almost two months with the Verity Sarastro and all I can say is WOW. Everyday that I listen to this speakers is like hearing it for the first time. This shows how excited I am.Basically this speaker does everything right. The most amazing... 
Verity Audio Lohengrin II - Impressions.
I also heard the Lohengrin II with Nagra VPA and is easily the best sound I have heard in my life. For my tastes of course...Regards,Michael 
Is the magic in shindo or verity?
The Verity. They are just magical. 
Advice in packing Kharma 3.2s. Please help.
Those wooden crates really suck. When I had to pack mine it was a pain in the ass to do it without damaging the speakers. 
Laid Back Speakers amps, players etc
Shadorne thanks for your answer. I can see your point.So is this supposed to be a good thing, a bad thing or is it a matter of personal preference? From what you say I understand that the ultra hi-end equipment should not be laid back....Can someo... single box reference CD player
Mike I agree with you about the other DACs but EMM LABS still has the best SOTA DAC which can also be updated through the USB port. As everyone knows, differences between great cd players are very subtle and it takes great experience with hi-end, ... 
Amp for Verity Audio Sarastro
I agree with you Tuboo. Even the Sarastro reach concert SPL levels easily.Even if you look at the specs (around 120 db) I think this is more than enough. And of course with no distortion at all.Regards,Michael 
Amp for Verity Audio Sarastro
Hi Pierre!The Mc's were great equipment indeed, but not the best match for my speakers! Of course the MC 2301 would also be a great choice but they are very very expensive here in Greece. I think 40% more expensive than the price in the States.Yes... 
Amp for Verity Audio Sarastro
Tuboo thanks a lot for your answer!Unfortunately I cannot come for a listen as I am from Greece...;)The atmasphere may be satisfying but dont forget that the Lohengrin is 96 db as opposed to the Sarastro which is 93 db. A headroom is also importan... single box reference CD player
Most of the players mentioned are top class and you will probably satisfied with any of them. Put EMM LABS CDSA in your list also. 
Hyperion HPS-938 speakers
In my experiency silver interconnects sound very good with Mc amps. They give a bit more transparent sound without sounding harsh. Actually nothing can sound harsh with a Mcintosh amp. 
Purist Audio "Purist 20th Anniversary" I/C
Bryceeboy you are spot on with the "Soul" comment! These are the most musical and un-fatiguing cables I have heard, without losing transparency or detail.Jfrech it would be great if you could ask Purist for me. Maybe you are right about an oversea...