
Responses from argyro

Which speakers will fill 5,000 cubic ft coherently
My friend, I had a room similar to yours with Kharma 3.2, and I struggled for exact the same reason. 
High Efficiency Dynamic Speaker Suggestions Please
Horns just have a colored sound that trick you in believing they sound real.I would think about it again if I was you.Regards,Michael 
Verity Audio Sarastro - Anybody heard
I also bought the Sarastro!One of the finest speakers I have heard at any price point. My previous speaker was the Kharma 3.2.I definetely encourage someone to have a listen if he wants to move at that price point. 
Edgy, bright highs on Avantgarde Duos
What are your other components? 
Upgrading from Kharma 3.2 to Verity Parsifal
Thanks a lot my friends!I'm really so excited about my new speakers!Regards,Michael 
Upgrading from Kharma 3.2 to Verity Parsifal
I finally got the Sarastro!! What an amazing speaker!!! Totally different level than the Kharma!Thanks everybody for your answers! 
Upgrading from Kharma 3.2 to Verity Parsifal
Yesterday I auditioned the Sarastro for 3 hours. I dont have to mention that when I returned home I couldn't listen to the Kharmas. Thats all I can say!I think I'm going for the Sarastros. If anybody has or auditioned the Sarastro please share you... 
Upgrading from Kharma 3.2 to Verity Parsifal
Ι just want to mention that in case I upgrade I'll go for the Sarastro which has a 93 db efficiency. The parsifal is not an option anymore as I heard that it has a 106 db maximum spl and its not full range. So since I want to upgrade I might as we... 
Upgrading from Kharma 3.2 to Verity Parsifal
Cenline,I doubt I can try them at my home but what I can do for sure is take my amps to the dealer. Anyway Im ready to invest in this speaker, which means trading an amp for another. Maybe I'll also try the Nagra amps which are said to have great ... 
Upgrading from Kharma 3.2 to Verity Parsifal
Thanks a lot for your responses!Today I had the chance of listening to the Verity Sarastro!A pretty amazing speaker!So I'm considering buying it!What is your opinion on this speaker?Some people say that it is not so good at playing rock music!I ex... 
Upgrading from Kharma 3.2 to Verity Parsifal
Jaybo I do not doubt that but I guess there is always that small step upwards you want to climb.;)My room now is quite small 30m2 but very very soon I'll move in a 60m2 room! 
EMM CDSA player- best hookup- rca or,xlr??
Balanced, if your amps are fully balanced as well. Otherwise there is no big difference except the few more db's. 
EMM player vs. separates??
I haven't heard them side by side but word of mouth is that the only thing you will lose if you go with the one box player is the pre-amp. IF there is a difference in sound is very very small.Regards, 
Music Servers are they good?
In my opinion the most important part of playback is the DAC. So using a transport or a Hard drive is of low importence to me.Regards,Micahel 
CD Player break in period
My emm labs cdsa is in 200 hours and keeps imporving. I think break in period only gives you an additional 10 to 20%. It won't make a bad sounding unit, sound good.IMHORegards,