
Responses from aoliviero

Tranfiguration Orpheus description
Bc3, Thanks for your comments. I think to some degree the comments that Doug and I made have been misinterpreted or taken as absolute. Overall, I do not think that the difference between the cartridges was as huge as some may think it was. Therefo... 
Tranfiguration Orpheus description
All,I've been experimenting with VTA/SRA on my setup. Using a maginifying glass I inspected the SRA with the tonearm completely parallel to the record surface and determined that the SRA was slightly negative. Approximately ~ -1 degress (stylus ti... 
Tranfiguration Orpheus description
Dan,In my system I run the tonearm with a slight tail-up. I haven't verified what the SRA is exactly. As I recall, we ran the O and Univ in Doug's system with a slight tail down. According to Doug this provides a positive vta/SRA.Anyway, I'll try ... 
Tranfiguration Orpheus description
Raul,We did not evaluate a broad range of VTA in Doug's system . Paul tried several setting within a small range but I beleive all of the settings put the arm lower than parallel. Although, I preferred one of these settings, we did not make large ... 
Tranfiguration Orpheus description
All,The sound differences we heard between the O and Uni in Doug's system with his optimal settings aside, I've been thinking more and more about why the O didn't sound as good in Doug's system compared to mine. My impressions of the O in my 9-8-0... 
Tranfiguration Orpheus description
Doug, Larry,Thanks for your comments. I appreciate that. I tried to call it how I heard it. Since some folks claim that their cartridges sound great out of the box or pretty decent at 30 or so hours, I thought it would be interesting to compare. A... 
Tranfiguration Orpheus description
All,Just got back from a business trip an caught up on these posts. I beleive Doug's comments echo my own to a large degree. As I said in my post, the Uni defintely sounded better than the O. I think Doug captured the differences well. The most re... 
Tranfiguration Orpheus description
Kha,Where are you? Since you're running both the Universe and Orpheus, what are your impressions. Your input would be much appreciated. Coimparisons? Ideal loading and VTF for Orpheus.Andrew 
Tranfiguration Orpheus description
Mark,I was quite surprised myself regarding the 47K. In my system with the CAT preamp I did not find the level of disatisfaction we heard in Doug's system at 47K. Personally, in my system I actually like the 47K a lot. Although 100 ohms was a litt... 
Tranfiguration Orpheus description
Nsgarch,Very good points. In fact I was thinking about drawing the same conclusion on my previous post but wasn't able to remember everything. In Doug's system, 47K was virtually unlistenable. Maybe his system is so resoved that this was picked up... 
Tranfiguration Orpheus description
All,Here are my impressions of the Transfiguration Orpheus and Zyx Universe (copper coil, silver plate) comparison.Firstly, I would like to thank Doug and Paul for a great evening. They were gracious hosts and I learned a lot about audio from thei... 
Tranfiguration Orpheus description
Nsgarch, Bc3, Sirspeedy,We will likely start our comparison of the O to the Univ by setting the O from my last point of optimization. That was at 1.87g VTF, 47K and arm parallel. Doug is open to spending some time optimizing the O so we will move ... 
Tranfiguration Orpheus description
Nsgarch, Sirspeedy,Yep. This comparison will occur this Wednesday. Doug's info has been a great help and I wanted to pay my respects!Interest in this comparison must be great and a comparison would inevitably occur sooner or later. I'm certainly i... 
Tranfiguration Orpheus description
Sirspeedy,thanks for your response. I will have to try the higher VTF and the lower loading that Nsgarch suggests. By the way, I was afraid my comparison to CD' would likely be controverstial. I tried to say this in a positive way. I think Fremer ... 
Tranfiguration Orpheus description
Neil,I must be chasing the break-in game as you're implying and compensating for temporary effects. As I mentioned above, my observations were on an un-broken in state. I'll give it a try. Patience IS a virtue.I'll load it down and then try the hi...