
Responses from andr

Any VAC CPA-1 preamp owners here?
Have a look at this : found out I could look for a lot of alternatives in my search for quality tubes. And saved a lot of money by deviating from the big names (brands and dealers).Be patient in your shopping...... 
Any VAC CPA-1 preamp owners here?
Hi Rick,I tend to agree with John. There is not that much info on VAC products and by experience not a lot of audiophiles are well acquainted with this excellent brand.I have a Standard LE preamp. It was designed back when your CPA MKIII was made ... 
Best preamp for my system.
For lush sounding, you must add Conrad johnson to your list. Is your cabling balanced ? If so, stick to ARC ref. Otherwise, look for a CJ in the older Art series down to the Premier 16.Anything less, IMHO, would be detrimental to your actual system ! 
Acoustat 2+2 : CJ 2500A or Simaudio W 5 ?
I love the cj 2500 A but I'm looking a little more firmness and impact in the low frequencies. Both my preamps are sweet enough. Just want something that will show a little more what the Acoustats can give me. I'm probably aiming for the same leve... 
Upgrading my PV-15
If you liked your PV-15 for the mids but looking for more details, more dynamics and punch, you should try a used VTL 5.5.Had a PV-14 LS2. When I tried the VTL in my system, I felt confortable with the similar sound signature but was very impresse... 
Acoustat, 121-2a can they be cut down
Some old Acoustat freaks will think you are criminally insane just to think to bring them down. You will loose some bass impact by reducing the number of panels and curiously, increase the load on your amp. In any event, if you can, keep the same ... 
A Conrad Johnson pre for cj amp
Agree with Mike ! Had one and was satisfied ! Buy extra Mullard tubes from Watford valves in England. Much less expensive than CJ dealer. 
VTL 5.5 or Aesthetix Calypso
Fully agree with Mitch2.Tried both in my system and arrive to the same conclusions. In brief, I found the VTL more musical and the Calypso more transparent and detailed.Both should be tested in your system, don't know about your source nor the Par... 
The Economy.. will hi end audio mfgs lower prices?
02-21-09: Kwb"High End" Manufactures of non-essential products will go out of business before they lower their prices to the point where people without a basic understanding of economics and general business could afford......I don't agree. If you... 
The Economy.. will hi end audio mfgs lower prices?
I’m an outsider, meaning I’m canadian and a used market buyer. My system now consists of 10 k$ units that I bought 25-40% of their original MRSP. All my units were about 4 years old when purchased. Considering the currency exchange rate between ou... 
Driving 1 ohm
Simontju is right on that one. The 2500A inherited the Acoustats. Long story short : I had Acoustat model 3 for a year and decided to have them rebuilt in 2+2 s. What I got back is something supposedly easier to drive but tremendously upgraded on ... 
Driving 1 ohm
Thanks Bombay,Actually, I didn't ask CJ, but I saw a reply they gave a few years back to a same inquiry about an Evolution 2000. CJ answered it wasn't designed for 1 Ohm without beeing specific if it was damageable either. That is why I am first a... 
Driving 1 ohm
Thanks Simon !Rwwear, not very loud, we can still speak at normal level while playing music. Most of the time, below half the volume dial on the preamp. But.......even at a moderate volume level, on good recordings, the bass level will drop at a p... 
Vac Renaissance Signature Mark II vs. Cary SLP-05
Try 5751 tubes in the 12AX7 positions. I've rolled such tubes in my VAC Standard LE and am very satisfied with the results. Tried many combinations and witnessed changes in the sonic signature, soundstaging and overall presentation. Have a look at... 
tube amp noise
Same thing happened to me. New preamp unit and some hissing with popping noise once in a while. Even after tube rolling. Happened to be an interconnect problem. The connectors themselves got a little loose. Tightened them and the problem was solve...