
Responses from andr

Lean sound. What's the cause?
Coincidence ! I've tried in my system many preamps a few months ago. Calypso, VTL 5.5, ARC 17LS. Ended up with a VAC Standard LE because availability of one unit in mint condition at a bargtain price near my location. A little bright, forward play... 
Pass X-350 with Acoustat 2 + 2
Checked it out with my friend. As per the unit's manual, the first 75 watts are class A. Therefore my comment remains the same except it is 75 watts instead of 100. 
Pass X-350 with Acoustat 2 + 2
Don't know, not my amp. I can only assess it outperforms ARC classic 150 monoblocks by a lot in the deep bass and soundstage side. Acoustats are heavy drinkers of power and the Pass is a very high current amp, class A must have a part in this ! 
Pass X-350 with Acoustat 2 + 2
Yep, my good buddy did it last september. Sorry I didn't see your post previously !He had Krell and Audio research monoblocks with the Acoustas before and the Pass x-350 is the best match he had up until now. Bass response and soundstage are much ... 
Information on Acoustat 2plus2 speaker upgrades.
Have a look at mracoustat 1+1 s in the members systems in the community section. Is that the kind of improvement you are looking for ?The same gentleman who did this job is actually rebuilding my Acoustat 3s into 2+2 s and I saw the new woodframe ... 
VAC owners, sound off
Happy for you ! Amperexes in the 12au7 spot will bring you back some extension in the highs, decay maybe or maybe not. In my preamp, it did but it is a more subtle difference than changing the 12AX7 tubes. Remember to wait at least 50 hrs of runni... 
VAC owners, sound off
Hello Tholt,As told in a previous post, I strongly recommend you have a look at "Joe's tube lore" for good advices on 12au7 and 12AX7 tubes. I went through it and tried many of its recommendations with my Standard LE. Worth it. Just type it on Goo... 
VAC owners, sound off
Well Tholt,Anytime you can pinpoint us a tube preamp selling new for 1500 $ that equals a nine year old VAC Standard, please tell us because I'm really curious to hear such a marvel !In the meantime, I had a friend's CJ PV-15 LS in my system about... 
VAC owners, sound off
I presume you are looking at a Standard Pre since a few ones are available right now. I had an LE model for the last 9 months. While shopping, I had a chance to listen to a VTL 5.5, an Aesthetyx Calypso, a CJ Premier 10 and a CJ Premier 17. All of... 
Preamp recommendations up to $2000
A VAC Standard Le used is a good deal at 2000 $ used. Includes a mc/mm phono stage. 
Which tube preamp meets all these needs?
VTL 5.5 ! Has a quite complete remote but not sure about a source selector but has phase inverter and the rest. 
VAC Standard limited edition preamp
Thanks for the answer.I've tried the Calypso in my system.It was to resolute for me, especially in the highs. I could not perceive my usual bloomy midrange anymore. Probably tube rolling or different cables could have done the job. Probably mismat... 
VTL 5.5 VS CJ Premier 17
Thanks for all your answers. 
VTL 5.5 VS CJ Premier 17
Told you Dopogue. Your conviction is awfully contaminating. Can't argue with you. From what I understand, from you and my buddies, Premier 14 is the last preamp of the old CJ sound. Long time adepts of this brand consider it as the last affordable... 
VTL 5.5 VS CJ Premier 17
HAHA Dopogue,Well my old geezer buddies are both over sixty and miss their Premier 14s. I'll have them look at this thread and ask them to finally evolve ! Regards !