
Responses from analogluvr

Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first?
What I find interesting in the Tubes versus transistor debate, is the prices of vintage items. A stereo 70 goes for much more than it did new where as a 30 year-old solid state amp is hard to give away. 
Talk but not walk?
"Left field tweaks utilizing unproven nonsense supported by gibberish like inserting the term "Quantum" here and there, and selling useless stuff on to the public at a huge profit ($2 fuses for 150 bucks that do nothing but stimulate the imaginati... 
“Sharp Objects” Tonearm/ Cartridge
They should have used tubes if the underlying theme is everything old is new again!  Besides it's not state of the art sound unless it has tubes 😁 
Talk but not walk?
@stereo5 I think we all feel pretty much the same as you do. Most of us just try to ignore him. 
Talk but not walk?
@elizabeth why is it when someone brings up a questionable point about your posts you attack the poster instead of addressing the point? 
Talk but not walk?
Lol couple of great posts there guys, and you hit the nail on the head kosst.  The thing is, unfortunately 99% of these guys have their mind made up and it'll never change. I think Elizabeth mentioned earlier on in this thread, or one of the other... 
The 'tube-transistor' enigma by MC carts?
@bimasta good story about the good ole days.  
@craigert. Yes magic fairy dust is expensive.  
Talk but not walk?
I think it's pretty rich that Michael tells Kosst to go do a little walking and then report back. I think Kosst has done more walking then pretty much anyone on here. Who else can claim they've built all their equipment?   But that's how it goes,... 
“MQA is a philosophy”..John Stuart
@cj1965 some excellent points there. 
The 'tube-transistor' enigma by MC carts?
@bimasta  it's nice to run into somebody with an FRMC201.  I have had one for a while when I picked it up on a curiosity. I absolutely love it, it is fantastic Mounted on an ET2.   It is an air core  design with I believe .17 mV output.  
Sell your components boys and girls, the console is back!
@djones  don't forget to cryo it and add some magic fuses!  
Is It Possible?
@michael green.  I was being very sarcastic.  It was a shot against those who believe you need to have the latest greatest thing to get good sound. The longer I spend in the hobby the more I realize that this couldn't possibly be further from the ... 
Is It Possible?
Welcome to modern high end audio. But yet every year speakers make huge leaps and gains rendering the previous model hopelessly obsolete 🙄 
Audio Education
+++ 1000 @kosst.