
Responses from amandarae

Can CLASSE Amps Drive.......
Thanks again guys! 
Can CLASSE Amps Drive.......
Thanks Terrycym! I remember you from the Martin Logan forums. Regards 
Can CLASSE Amps Drive.......
Thank you very much for responding! 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Thanks Amandarie! I noticed that you sold your H2O. Where are you going now with your system? BobSold it because of financial reasons. I cannot justify a $2800 amp being used only 3 hours a week max lately. But I will be back! I am looking at Apog... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Baranyi,My Chenin's lay-out(back) goes like this:From Left To Right Phono(input1), Input2, Input3, Input4, REC(Tape), Play(Tape), Out1, Out2, Gain (Independent Channel Balance on Mine), and Power.Enjoy 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Okay, I am sold with the Mundorf's! Where did you guys get the schematic for your pre? Or you just replace the last pair of the coupling caps of the output stage? 
Magnepan positioning
Agree with posters above. As a current maggie owner, I can tell you that no maggies will sound close to what they are capable of if you do not have sufficient distance from the speakers to the backwall. Dipole speakers are like that, they need the... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Here you go better yet , go directly here 
Preamp Deal of the Century
No hum for me! Or should I say only slightly! On phono, even if I crank up the volume all the way, or if the needle is in-between tracks and volume crank up, there is only a slight sound. I experienced a considerably louder hum at maximum volume i... 
Any suggestions on coolest running monoblocks?
I am with Muralman1! I have the S-250 Signature Stereo driving Magnepans. At first I thought the regular Stereo is very very good but the Signature model makes it even better. At 1kVA per channel of torroidal transformer, it runs exceptionally coo... 
New H20 Signature S250
Hello Ethifi,I have not heard the ASL but we have the same genre of music that we prefer or listen to. If you happen to read my review of the stock S-250, I had the opportunity to compared it to several tube amps.I too have the Supratek (Chenin)an... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Sorry! Wrong Thread! 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Hey! What happened to Sounds_Real_Audio posts and the replies???? 
New H20 Signature S250
My amp is back! Now it is the Signature S-250.My oh my, what a big improvement!Happy listening 
Best preamp for Odyssey Stratos?
I had the monos before. I found the Supratek line of preamps (I have the Chenin)to be a very good match. My brother had the Stereo Extreme mated with Bent Audio NOH with great results as well.