
Responses from amandarae

Preamp Deal of the Century
Fiddler,Thanks for the description regarding your findings replacing the output cap. I am using teflon caps (Sonicap Platinum) on my phono preamp couplings. For the output, I prefer the oil based cap. Of course, I tried the teflon(1 uF) on the out... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
To me, it sounds very clean almost "sterile" like. Bass is a mother but seems to be louder than the rest. Again, my comments were from my experienced only. FWIW, my left regulator tube (which was brand new) crap out after a week when I was using b... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Sorlowski,Fiddler is talking about the output caps(just before it goes to the ouput RCA's). In my Chenin, which maybe same as your unit, it is the Auricap (yellow) with 1uF/450V rating on mine. I have not replaced mine nor planning to replace it. ... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Thanks for the explanations everyone. I am fortunate enough that my Chenin, after making the initial mistake of swapping tubes right away as soon as I received it, only had one small issue since 2004. I have this paranoia about the R channel on th... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
If it was me having a hum issue, I will find out first if it is electrical or mechanical. Electrical, well, try simple process of elimination. Mechanical, make sure the bolt that hold the toroid in the PSU is tight (can easily seen from the top of... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Is it the cord, or the length of the cord that made the difference?Don't want to be skeptical here but I want to know if somebody tried a shorter umbilical cord than the stock ones (I believe about 5 feet?) and observed an improvement.regards 
Preamp Deal of the Century
The 6H23N-EB tubes only cost $49 a pair here 6N23P-EV and the 6H23n-EB are the same.As for the Gold Pin EH6SN7, you can try here On the pull dow... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Kgturner,Thanks for the write up regarding the Malbecs. Just a thought about your buzzing problem if you think that the efficiency of the speaker made it possible for you to hear the noise floor of the amps, why not connect an attenuator pad (with... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Another vote for the Chenin here!Unless you have a super mega over to the max God smiled on it separate phono preamp already, why would one buy a Chardonnay instead of the Chenin if the only reason is that "you are not into vinyl" yet for a price ... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Oh sorry, you have the Chardonnay. Well, so much so for discussing the phono section of the Supratek being a steal at  
Preamp Deal of the Century
Grounding Hum!! Never had it, never heard it.If you had it or heard it, something wasn't right in your systemCan you please tell me your set up? What SUT are you using? Cartridge? Phono pre? What is your total gain from phono preamp to linestage? ... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Oh, I forgot to add, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!! 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Did you guys consider grounding (hum) with regards to separates? The Supratek is a two box solution so having a separate power supply as the main advantage of "separates" is not really 100% accurate when you compare the Suprateks to an independent... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Amandarae: RE " can always use a tee to change the load for different values not readily available from the switch settings..." [47K, 1K, 100, 10]What's a 'tee' and how does one use it to set the load between the four settings on the slider ... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
I would like to add from the excellent post of Kgturner above with regards to repairing the Supratek preamps. I read that the unit can be send to Kevin Covi in Upstate NY for repair as well. I hope that someone can confirm this.Also, when I was ha...