
Responses from amandarae

Supratek Tubes and Tube Swappin' for Everybody
Jazzdude,My mistake! It is a 7581 (GE with pink base). I made a typo on my post.".... linestage only versions and the full-blown preamp with phonostage. SupraTek owners with the phonostages will have higher current requirements that will restrict ... 
Supratek Tubes and Tube Swappin' for Everybody
I confirm the problem with the 6106 regulator when use for the Chenin. There is no problem on CD source. In fact you can crank up the volume to the max (no music playing) and you will not hear any hum at all or tube rush sound. Not for the phono s... 
Supratek Tubes and Tube Swappin' for Everybody
Fiddler,Here it is Mr. Malecki (Bob) an e-mail and if he finds a pair, he will contact you right away. All tubes he sells are tested and has a 30 day warranty (see homepage). I bought tubes from him and if... 
Channel Islands D-100 Amplifier
Not everyone! If you look at our system page (and I also mentioned this on my write up)you will noticed that I run three different speaker types (one at a time of course) to evaluate the amp. In fact, at present, I have my MLTL hook up to my amp.r... 
Quad vs. Martin Logan?
Same experienced I had as posters above for the Martin Logans. I was a fanatic (from Aerius, to Aeon, and then Ascents)until set up (TT, cart, preamp, amp) got better. The woofers inability to blend with the panel sticks like a sore thumb especial... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
....or use a speaker selector set wired as in-phase, another set wired as out-of-phase and so on.... 
Jolida JD 100. How does it sound?
I am with Arthur on this one! I have mine for about 16 months now with no hiccups (knock on wood). My unit is modded by Parts Connexion and I am currently using Sylvania Gold Brand 5751. I also had good results with GE 5751's and RCA 5751's. All i... 
Channel Islands D-100 Amplifier
Same topology, a little bit of a different animal. But the same experienced! and YMMV! 
Anyone use Kraft amplification?
Go to and post your inquiry, under Odyssey Audio. Klaus (owner and proprietor) is the distributor and a few folks are using them in their system. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Raytheprinter,Yes.......I know! You have to own one to understand isn't it? Wait 'til you roll them tubes (start at the rectifier if possible). Enjoy the ride!regards 
Preamp Deal of the Century
He,he,he,he.......we know what you mean!I am feeling you! Okay,okay, take a deep breath, and congratulate yourself. Now, let me ask you, "was the wait well worth it?" Nevermind. I already know the answer!happy listening 
Preamp Deal of the Century
It will come......but it may never leave!!!!Congrats to Mc5baby and Raytheprinter.Enjoy! 
Supratek Tubes and Tube Swappin' for Everybody
Bwhite,I will try to locate a CV181 in the near future. Thanks for the recommendation! 
Supratek Tubes and Tube Swappin' for Everybody
But the Bendix does not work for the Chenin, only for the Syrah! There is a small change in the PSU according to Mick. It was mentioned to me a year ago when I ordered my unit. I think this was covered on the other thread as well. I still have the... 
Supratek Tubes and Tube Swappin' for Everybody
Here's mine (Chenin):Rectifier - Mullard GZ34Regulators - Sylvania 6F6G'sPhono = Mullard M8080 and Tele 6922 CCaLinestage - RCA VT231 Gray GlassI can also recommend the ff. with gusto for the linestage tubes1. Tungsol VT231 Black Glass2. Raytheon ...