
Responses from amandarae

Preamp Deal of the Century
Great post Slowhand!You are into something here. Although the Mullards are great in my Chenin (Metal GZ34), you have to remember that when Mick listened to the preamp, especially the phono, the parameters were adjusted with the conventional tubes ... 
Best tube pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ?
Supratek! My preamp merry go round stops ever since I invested in one. And mine is not even the top of the line.My WPP100C, to use Wc65mustangs choice of words, was murdered and slaughtered by the phono section of the Chenin as well. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Thanks Fiddler,I live about 15 miles away from Kevin (Upscale Audio). As much as I want to avoid it (I can't help myself buying more than I intend to)I guess it is time to visit the castle of Mr. Deal.Ola Kevin! Here I come...... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Fiddler,Thanks for the report. Is it the Gold or the regular black base EH-6SN7?I am in your camp also. After trying Sylvania 6F6G's, GEC KT-66, Gold Lion KT-66, RCA 6L6GC Black Plates, and Tungsol 5881, to my ears the Sovtek KT-66 is the better t... 
New H20 Signature S250
I lived with the S-250 for 6 months. Now, they are coming back as the Sigs.I have an SET/300B based system and a Threshold S-500 amp. Sinced I shipped my H2O, I do not have the urge to listen to music anymore.I miss my amp! 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Just bought another Mullard gz34 instead.I truly hope it is better than the one I have at the moment,which must be a dud as it makes the Syrah sound terrible.I suffered it for a few days thinking it must come better but could not bear it and put t... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
The Bendix tubes I mentioned that are available in my previous post are now gone.Thanks 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Ecclectique,Thanks for the very "educational" explanation on why the chugging sound on the 6106 and not on the 5AR4. As a habit, I researched all the things you said and they are spot on frrom what you said as far as the difference between the two... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Hello Patrick,Congrats on your Syrah! My recommendations for rectifiers and regulators are as follows:Mullard Metal Base Gz34 - by far, the best in my set up. Followed closely by the regular black base variety. In my Chenin, the 6106 produces a "c... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Thanks JazzDude! Coming from you, I should not worry about getting them tubes then.Thanks again! 
Preamp Deal of the Century
So, nobody is using Sylvania 6sn7Wxx on their unit? 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Hello,I have two questions.1.) For Chenin owners, Can you share your phono tubes currently in use please? I am enjoying great results with Mullard M8080 and TFK E88CC/CCa or Phillips 6922.2.)Anybody using a Sylvania 6SN7Wxx tall or short bottle in... 
Supratek Tubes and Tube Swappin' for Everybody
Sorlowski,I am currently using the Sovtek KT-66(about $50.00 per match pair at in which I have no affiliation whatsoever)that Mick recommended to one owner here which he shared on this thread a while ago. It needs to play at least 50... 
Benz Ace Cartridge - output of the Red bodied one?
"The ACE Low is red tinted with and output of 0.4mV, the ACE is clear/gold with an output of 0.8mV, and ACE High is blue with an output of 2.5mV"According to Benz website. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Kclone,Did you check the rectifier(5AR4) tube yet? Maybe it is bad and the ripple coming from the output are huge and cannot be filtered by the regulators anymore. Or have you tried connecting it to the wall outlet and not through the PS audio?In ...