
Responses from aj523

Constant noisy tubes maybe go solid state?
I was just asking a general question about hiss/hum from speaker drivers either ear up to driver or 3 feet away. As one turns the volume up when should it be noticeable and then turning it down when should it not?  Thx ! 
Should I use long interconnects, or long speaker cables?
I’m not buying the long 20 foot speaker wire degradation issue. I have 50-75 foot daisy chain runs of 12 gauge copper to my super high end outdoor speakers and they sound phenomenal. Or buy anti cable - they tested identical in long vs short runs. 
High Eng Audio Auctions on Ebay does not honor their deals
At least they could have told you how much the additional shipping would be so you could make a decision or negotiate (split the difference) not that you legally needed to.  Let’s say it was $200 more. For another $100 I’d probably say wtf.  
Used phono preamp options - feedback requested
Sutherland 20/20 with the upgraded stand alone LPS. No BS. Shortest path. Dead quiet, and what someone posted above - optimized midrange king. But not tubes. 
Which tubes are the best?
My new Amps came with two quads of NOS Mullards EL34.  I loved them so much I started replacing the rest of my system with NOS Mullards - preamp NOS 12AT7 and phonostage NOS 12AX7.  They are as you described in your post- liquid smooth detailed ri... 
Most hyped turntable, tonearm, and cartridge?
Rega- it’s hyped maybe deservedly so, but should get a mention regardless When I started my first ever audiophile TT search this past Spring, I soon realized it was going to a nightmare of obsessive, expensive and inefficient tweaks for me, severa... 
Whats your favourite track to play to the non hi-fi visitor?
That easy. Joni Mitchell Blue side B. Start with River, then A Case of You .  I am a lonely painter 
Constant noisy tubes maybe go solid state?
Question.  Ear to speaker driver, or some distance away, at what volume level determines noisy problem? Half way ?  For example at 50 (halfway on my knob), barely audible with ear to drivers but at 60 start to hear hiss more prominently.   
Floor standing or Large bookshelf recommendations - 2.0 channel setup
Sorry did you state a budget? Apologize if I missed.  
Constant noisy tubes maybe go solid state?
@dhite71Does a faint white noise degrade the sound somehow particularly if its barely audible without putting your ear to the driver?  
Spacial Audio Lab X3 and Pure Audio Project Quintet 15
I think there’s a return policy on the Spatials. I was interested too but have never liked built in subs for whatever reason, so I hope one day to try the M3. 
Looking for more detail in a speaker
The comments on the Triton are spot and make sense. The venerable designer Sandy Gross founded Def Tech and it was the same there - emphasis on deep bass in tower speakers at the expense of the rest of the curve - high volume, dig low, hit hard wa... 
Constant noisy tubes maybe go solid state?
@larry5729 Personally I prefer solid state powering my dedicated home theater.  And for music much prefer the tonality and nuances to an all tube analog front end.   
A move from Harbeth to... Wilson?
@dodgealum I’ve only heard great things-- cabinet workmanship supposed to be the very best, and similar to Harbeth, the box is used to maximize the sound the builder is after. I feel like these boutique speaker builders should make demo pairs and ... 
Constant noisy tubes maybe go solid state?
@yogiboy Thanks. But like at Tube depot, they have an incremental charge of $4 for "Low Noise & Microphonics" which based on your description would seem to be binary or incompatible....? Is this a good option to choose ? And next, when we use ...