
Responses from adg101

Reasonable but not outragious interconnects
Either build your own, buy used or spend a little more. Your gear is nice enough to justify better that’s for sure but understand not wanting to go crazy. If you don’t know how to use a soldering iron then you really need to expand your budget a l... 
Want my OPPO UDP-205 to sound as good as my Sony SCD-777ES
I bought a 205 and it’s a fine player, but I prefer my Cambridge 851C. If I didn’t already the Cambridge I’d probably be fine with the Oppo. The Oppo is stock but I might throw in an OppoMod PS and then a fuse but that’ll be it. My Cambridge does ... 
Is there an affordable long run XLR preamp to amp cable out there?
Mogami, Belden and Canare are all used on stage and studio. My bet no one knows how many miles are out there and which one is used the most... my guess Belden or a knock off cheaper generic. The three noted are all good but have their limitations.  
Building Speaker Cabinets- Recomendation Needed
Where in the Midwest? 
new equipment power conditioner or more powerful amp?
Probably not the direction you’re thinking of but you already have a nice system. Maybe look at dedicated circuits and get some Hubbell Porter Port Outlets sold here, some aftermarket Pangea Power Cords if you’re using the stock cords then if you ... 
Is there an affordable long run XLR preamp to amp cable out there?
You’ll need two as this is just a single cable. Very good cable for the money and very well shielded which you’ll want and flexible. Any of the pro cables are pretty good; I just like Canare. 
Home made treatment to reduce Bass bloom or resonance in a room?
Years ago I made a set of tube and bass traps for a friend. I purchased a book in the early 90’s which I believe is The Masters Handbook of Acoustics. I don’t remember the cover but pretty sure this is the book. Great book which showed how to buil... 
Help with speaker cable recommendations please
Read up on these. Madiound will work with you and refund if you don’t like. Supra is one of if not the oldest audiophile wire companies out there. Pure engineering and no snake oil. 
Help with speaker cable recommendations please
Lots of great cables out there and really none of us are going to be much help. If you don’t have a local dealer(s) with variety you can try at home then it makes it more difficult. Buying used is a safe bet playing Russian roulette because if you... 
Cambridge 851C vs Oppo 205
I have read up on Oppomod and may consider that. Believe I read earlier the fuses on the stock PS board are fixed but the Oppomod board they have holders so I can change out fuses as well.Running directly to wall receptacles with dedicated circuit... 
Cambridge 851C vs Oppo 205
Agree I’m late to the party but I find it’s newswiorthy because I purchased one based on a lot of people claiming it’s the Dragon Slayer even in stock form which it’s not. It’s a good player and jack of all trades sure. Someone else here very rece... 
Tool fan needs help with speakers (and electronics)
Aerial Acoustics 10t. My room is as big as yours but only 9ft ceilings and my AA 7B’s have no problem filling my space - none at all but they demand a big amp to do the heavy lifting. Find an original Pass Labs X250 and some 7Bs or 10Ts and you’re... 
Cambridge 851C vs Oppo 205
The 851C with stock fuses is a fine player but swap out the fuses it really moved up in performance. I replaced both fuses. The top end became more extended with more openness less stress a blacker background or lower noise floor. Botttom end beca... 
Is this a good idea?
The splicers or couplings will not hurt anything. Just make sure to keep all the cables running the same/correct direction. Haven’t had a pair of Cardas in years so don’t recall if they’re directional or not but they are as the shield is only tied... 
Cambridge Azur 851C
Guessing you just read my post on my opinion between my 851C and my Oppo 205 which sparked your post, but maybe not?I very much like the 851C and still feel at it’s asking price back in the day it was a bargain competing with players twice its pri...