
Responses from acresverde

The best plug in filter ever!
@shkong78 I like your approach to it, plug it in, listen and see if it floats your boat. Screw all the subsequent hand ringing and anguish over the hows and whys. It’s great if the science behind a device is available to you and compr... 
Help and Advice Needed: Cary Audio SLP-05 Preamp RMA Disaster
Josh....So sorry to hear that you are beset with this rather odd situation. I am by no means a tech. In fact, from your story it I am certain that you have a better overall background in T+A than I do but I do want to share a thought. Is it possib... 
avantgarde Duo Omega speaker cables?
There's always something better but by how much and the methodology used to find it can give one pause. I've been using Valhallas on my Duos for over 20 years now and, simply, have not been compelled to enter the fray for the next new thing. But i... 
New Western Electric 91E 300B Tube Integrated Amp REVIEW !
@rick2000      There can only be one holy grail and on multiple occasions you have anointed the Grandinote Mach 36 as that speaker in no uncertain terms and quite recently to boot.  
Experience With Linear Tracking Turntables
I've been using a Walker Proscenium Gold since '96. Everything is still original and works fine. Just pay extreme attention to levelling and the arm will track friction free.  
Is it worth upgrading a CD player?
@charles1dad It seems to me that Srajan did a review a couple of months ago of the Jays CDT3 Mk.3 and a new Jays DAC. If I recall correctly, the upshot of it all is that he was favorably impressed with the DAC but the transport was meh compared t... 
How much does rear horn loading add to full range driver?
@alexberger    what you just described is the design philosophy of Bache audio, among others.  
Avantgarde Duo Speaker repairs.
@sbank If only. Millersound prominently displays a list of all the brands he will repair. If your speaker is not one of the brands listed he will not touch it and do not call to ask for an exception (all of this from the website). Avantgarde is n... 
Avantgarde Duo Speaker repairs.
@johnk     Any suggestions on a resource for the replacement of the foam surround and/or reconing the sub 225s for these speakers? Mine are about 20 years old now and I know I'm living on borrowed time.  
Small Form-Factor CD Player/Transport
@charles1dad     I thought I had read specifically in one of the threads on AG about this DAC that Project's I2S is only compatible with Project gear.  
High Fidelity Cables?
@vin99 As has been clarified before, the religious Ric and HFC Ric are two different people.  
My last audio purchase?
Well, I think the ? at the end of the subject line is rather telling.  
Audiophile Speakers for Rock, HipHop and Techno
@atmasphere    In a similar vein (and this has nothing to do with bass) I got the 12" EP of the DKs "Holiday in Cambodia" and inadvertently played it at 33 1/3 rpm. I never went back...killer.  
Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding
@fdroadrunner    We must be the same person re: musical taste  
RIP Andy Fletcher from Depeche Mode
@bluorion     +1..."Violator" might be their best and they had a bunch of good stuff.