Responses from acresverde
H-CAT P-12B Linestage Thank you so much for thinking of me. I'll let you know about the Wavefront settings once I receive the unit. | |
2020 FLORIDA AUDIO EXPO WHICH ROOMS would YOU VISIT? @blindjim The MP-1 is a preamplifier (as in music preamplifier one) and the MA-1 is an amplifier (as in music amplifier one). So no such beast as an MP-1 amp. To my knowledge, Ralph typically shows the M60s or the Novacrons when pairing with C... | |
Subwoofer matching What deficiencies are you trying to address?You don't say whether the subs are meant to compliment the AG subs or replace them. If it is the latter, bear in mind this bit of info, as per Jim Smith years ago, that the AG Duo subs, (the sub 225 in m... | |
It's National "One Hit Wonder" Day! Can't believe no one has brought up "Psychotic Reaction" by Count Five. Big +1 to those who mentioned "Classical Gas" and "Walk Away Renee" | |
Honest opinions on my two picks of loudspeakers @steakster Really enjoyed the read you linked on Owsley. The guy seems to have been extraordinarily perceptive (high or not). My understanding of the man and what he was about definitely took a leap forward. Lotta good s##t went down in the ... | |
What is the best premp for Atma-Sphere MA-1 3.3 amp? Another vote for the MP-3. I own and have been using an MP-1 with M60s for almost 20 years now. A close friend/audio bud has been using an MP-3 with MA-1s for about 10 years now. We have swapped preamps several times and I'm here to tell you that... | |
Best cheap system I have ever heard @jouri I think you mean "subjective" | |
What I call minimalist Philip Glass | |
Otl's with AvantGarde Duos? @ Ralph It was Wyshak asking the question about the S30. To answer your question from my perspective, Wyshak, the S30 could easily power the Duos no problem. I would still opt for the M60s regardless, tho, because I prefer their lower output i... | |
Default UESUGI tube amps from Japan, more infos please I have three friends who are currently using Uesugi units. All of them are using a preamp with built in MM phono stage and one has his paired with EL 34 based Uesugi monoblocs. Sorry, I simply don't know any of the model #s. The fellow with the a... | |
Otl's with AvantGarde Duos? Well, Wyshak, it's 15 years down the road since my last post on this thread and I'm still listening to the Duos through the M60s. That should tell you something. The combo is excellent IMHO and I've had zero issues in that time (other than a few r... | |
Swapped long wall to short wall and now I am having some big issues @audiotomb If you can pull off just moving the speakers only back to the long wall I think you'll find the story is told, one way or another, without having to resort to inserting other brands of speakers into the mix. I'm a little dubious as ... | |
Swapped long wall to short wall and now I am having some big issues @almarg I spent over six hours at Tom’s house a couple of nights ago listening to the system. No doubt about it, he has boomy bass and grainy highs that definitely are not part of his former setup. I did not have the benefit of hearing his system’... | |
Here is an interesting artist that's new to me, and I wanted to share his music. So many wonderful you tube clips have been linked here. This thread should serve as a model for others to come. Sure beats the typical sniping and in-fighting so common today.Rather than post another clip (which I don't know how to do anyway) I wo... | |
Horn Speaker Recommendations OP should realize that he is definitely going to have to settle for a hybrid horn speaker in his price range. A full range horn by the very nature of its size and price is not likely doable for him. Also, some of the brands thrown around in this t... |