
Responses from acresverde

Stillpoints Under Speakers
Used massive Mapleshade brass carpet piercing spikes under my Avantgarde Duos for about 15 years. These things are as sharp as needles. Floor is carpet over plywood on joists. House is raised. Additionally, I had 4 25# bags of lead shot placed on ... 
Cerebral versus Visceral?
Thank god...a new either/or to kick around. Bye bye Laurel/Yanni, hello visceral/cerebral. 
What used speakers raraely come up for sale
@beetlemania,By golly, it looks like your ship might have just come in. Saw some Ascents listed here within the last couple days. Around $4K if I recall. 
Stereophile, no more bench tests????!!!!
@browndt,Sorry, but i find it suspect that anyone who claims to be an editor would stumble over the spelling of "ads". It's like Bill Gates choking on "computer". 
Seeking Advice on NOS DAC
I bought a Dodson D 217 mk. II d with 218 software upgrade and used it happily for over a decade. However, one of my system goals has always been to achieve ultimate transparency without crossing over the line into harshness. So when the Hex came ... 
DODSON 127II, 127II D and 128
Are you, perhaps, confusing the model numbers? With Dodson, I am only familiar with the 217, the 217 mk 2d and the 218. 
Has anybody heard this newer brand of turntable? Shineola Runwell out of Detroit, MI USA?
Just grab yourself a Schiit DAC and this table and you're done with sources.Oh c' know somebody had to say it!!! 
Pass Labs XA30.5: In praise of Class A magic!
Just to be clear, you are, in fact, referencing the 30.5 and not the newer 30.8, correct?? 
Avantgarde Duo 2.2 Stoped working
Is it possible that the speaker wire which connects to the midrange driver is either unplugged or failing to conduct? Unless you're biwiring your mid and tweeter, the feed to the mid is what feeds signal to the tweeter via a jumper so my guess is ... 
________ is an artist I did not expect to like but was pleasantly surprised.
Moby "Play" is an awesime album start to finish. Try it. 
Has anyone NOT listened to their system for a long time?
Okay...I'll bite. What's a "Hem" lp??? 
The great Soupy Sales died
Hey fmpnd. That was Morgus the Magnificent with his sidekick Chopsley along with Eric the skull. What a campy hoot. Production budget must have run about 50 bucks per episode. And they'd just drag in schlubs off the street to participate in their ... 
Why do all audio forums on the internet seem "dead" ?
I read the big two audio mags for 10+ years and then let them lapse. I've visited the big two fora for the last 10 years as well and find interest (my own) lagging as well. Been there done that in both cases. The freshness wears off, the same post... 
Rock with strings
ELO should be right up your alley. 
JMF Audio: Any experience with JMF Amps/Transport?
No experience but it seems to me they have simply copied (at least in many ways)the electronics pioneered by Kinoshita Monitor Rey Audio. This does not invalidate them but does give one pause as to who is really the brains behind the products.