

Responses from 76doublebass

Which cable to change first-intercon. or speaker?
It sounds like your CDP is your primary source.You need to replace your IC first as previous post stated. 
I thought you might get a good chuckle over this
I seemed confused by what their intentions were with this 13.75 DB cut but these posts seemed to clear that up for me,and yes the mic's and reel to reel I wish I had.I have done many live recordings the past 15 years with our local symphony and al... 
6550B tube recommendations for a AR VT-60
I have a ARC VT-60 and I bought the unit used with Sovtec6550's already in place.The original owner stated they were brand new.The tubes put out a wonderful extended top end,and if a Walker SST is used or a similar product on the tube pins you wil... 
Has anyone listened to the Grado Statement ?
I concur with you as well.This cartridge had my wife twisting away in the living room to Boosa Nova.What a site that was.And no she's not an Audiophile,but I think I have her converted. 
Review: Grado Grado Reference Phono Cartridge Cartridge
Pardon the typo error. I didn't mean to be offensive and say tank you.Thank You very much for responding to my review. 
Review: Grado Grado Reference Phono Cartridge Cartridge
Tank you for responding to my review.I haven't heard the Music Maker 2.I hear they have a Music Maker 3 as well.I wonder what Grado they modify from.I Just love this Grado Reference.Take Care Don 
Review: Monster Cable Z1 Speaker cable
I use the 4pr Kimber for my highs on my Martin Logan Quest Z's.and the lows I use the Monster Z2 for biwire.The 2 together in this configuaration sounds very good indeed.The Z2 I bought new at Good Guys and the cable is broken in now.The Z2 CABLE ... 
Has anyone listened to the Grado Statement ?
Well I finally have the Grado Reference Reference installed on myVPI MK3 Table ,Morch UP-4 Arm,and I must say this has been the largest sound quailty improvement then any other component change.I will do a review on this web site as too my observa... 
Do I have Intermittent cartridge skipping?
The previous cartridge must have had issues with my arm.I reset everything up very,very carefully and used the supplied larger counterweight that came with my arm and everything is stable now.I know I would run into trouble in my listening room/li... 
Do I have Intermittent cartridge skipping?
My VTF IS Approx. 1.5 Grams,which is at factory spec.,butto be truful I need to get a digital scale.It is almost a guessing game with this arm where your vtf is at.I will be resetting everything again once I get my other cartridge tommorrow and gi... 
Poor man's IC cooker?
Wally on his web site has a Cable cooker as part of his Deluxe Analog Shop.This owners manual instructions can be downloaded.He recommends 5 Volts cooking no more for IC's,and 2 Volts no more for phono cables.Hope this helps. 
Grounding issue or failing cartridge?
Check for an intermittent short in the phono cable,or in the cartridge leads connected too the phono cartridge. 
Has anyone used the Deluxe Wally Analog Shop?
You brought up a very good point worth mentioning.I was looking at the Deluxe model for the secondary use for burning in Tonearm Cables,and IC's.Yes I know what you mean.I have mine dialed in just about right with the Wally Tracker and ever so sma... 
Need much Help Turntable, Phono pre, Cartridge...
I use to own an AR Table a long while back,and I had many modifications performed on it by George Merrill ofMerrill Audio.I'm not sure if he still does the mod work on the Turntables anymore.You can try to find him on the web,and if he doesn't do ... 
Seeking Recomendations for -1000.00 amp
ARC VT-60 I paid about $800.00 for it on the Audiogon.