

Responses from 76doublebass

electrosats "toed out"?
I have Martin Logan Quest Z's and I don't toe in at all.If anything I may move them away from each other closer to my walls to open up the sweet spot a little,But I'm not sure if that would work with your ELS.they still face straight out in my liv... 
Review: Porter Port AC Outlet Customized Hubbell 8300 Tweak
I had my Porter Port installed where I have most of my equipment hooked up into my Monster 2000 Power Strip.I also plugged my turntable straight into the Porter Port has well.The table dramatically became much quieter.I had very black background w... 
Best method and software to convert vinyl to cd
I use a Sound Forge 5.0 Program.I record on my modified reel to reel recorder run the outputs to my inputs of my sound card with as high a quality ic as possible.I put the WAV file on my Sound Forge Program.The program also has vinyl restoration,a... 
Survey-What is your most used source?
Interesting,not many post for analog.I ustiliize my VPI MK3 with Morch Arm and Grado Reference Cartridge about 99% of the time and wipes out I think any CD player I ever heard regardless of price,But I haven't heard all of the high end CD players ... 
Best Used $1,200 Table Arm Combo?
I bought a VPIMK3 with a Morch UP-4 Arm for $1,150.00and have never looked back.The sound quality is outstanding and as budget permits I can upgrade with Aries Platter,SDS,and outer ring clamp. 
What is a "SHOTGUN" speaker cable??
Bamafan has it right in that the term first was used by MIT in the 80's for an upgrade of their Music Hose 750 Speaker Cable.The original cable was already atleast 1.5 inches thick.From what I rembered having owned both the 750 cable and the Shotg... 
Transparent , Kubala , Luminous , or RS Poiema
If money is not an issue I would try The Dominous Speaker Cable from PAD.If its anything like their Interconnect that would be something worth auditioning IMO.I know you don't ask about this in your post,But just thought I would mention it. 
Power port, Venom, Watt Gate, or What?
Funny that the posts so far don't state any obvious improvments.I received one Porter Port Outlet,which I plug my Monster Power Conditioner Power strip into as well as my turntable.The sound quality improvement jumped out on my system big time.The... 
importance of phono cartridge
Well a big thanks to Albert I SEE THE LIGHT NOW.I'll need to take the all Purist Audio cable route as my money will permit me too.I should have borrowed some top of the line speaker cables while I was at it from Alberts closet as well.I know I wil... 
importance of phono cartridge
I may need to reevaluate my previous post.I have on loan from Albert the Purest Audio Dominous IC.I did not have the provision of connecting this up to my table,but ran from preamp to amp and made a quantumn leap in sound quality improvement that ... 
Help with phono cartridge loading/ARC SP6B preamp
I use to own an ARC SP6B many years ago.It is factory set at 47k.What is the output of your cartridge in Millivolts?If its 2.5Mv or lowere you may need to purchase a pre-preamp to get sufficient output.I used a Music Reference head amp to output m... 
Review: VPI Industries HW-19 mkII PLC Turntable
nice review.I have a VPI MK3 with a Morch UP-4 Arm with the arm silver wired internally.I bought this set up on EBAY,and was very happy with the sound of this unit.I don't have the PLC,But maybe I'll get around and eventually get an SDS.I was told... 
importance of phono cartridge
Well another factor to consider is the quality of turntable setup.I noticed that when everything is set up just exactly correct with my Wally Tracker alignment mirror the sound just improves so so much on the front end.But with that said the large... 
JBL L300 Summit vs. Olympus w/S8R system
I don't understand the previous posts.A JBL Summit 300 is a very high effecient horn loaded speaker it should not require very much amp power at all unless you want night club disco levels at 200 watts per channel.50 watts per side should be more ... 
Help with a preamp upgrade
I have an older CJ PV-5 with updated power supply and I like mine just fine,But if you like a Krell I just looked at one in an audio shop in Seattle WA. at Hawthorne Stereotoday.They were wanting 1k for it with outboard power supplyit listed at 3k.