

Responses from 4krowme

A new way of adjusting anti skate!
 I am curious about something that I have witnessed with some TT/cartridge setups. When the needle is raised, I just barely see it flick to one direction. Would this possibly be an anti-skating issue?  
Soldering Help
   Cardas has been recommended in the past, so I will give it another go. Last time, joints didn't look good, but I have found that ALL the previous solder must be removed before you can trust the results of resoldering a joint.   Some of the new... 
Soldering Help
rodman99999,    Many thanks for posting the article about the 5 family types of solder. It explains so much more than I knew previously. Wonder Solder was a longtime choice for me, but after reading this, I must seek out some of the other produc... 
Opinions & experiences with tube coolers
I DO appreciate the responses. Actually, I thought that there would be an abundance of those who felt that cooler is better, at least in the longevity of the tube itself. Of course, I also want to ask about the older tube shields back in the day. ... 
Introspective of this forum: "Does the Audiophile Community Have a Promlem?" I Say yes!!!
I tried to never forget the simple words that my father said to me. "Consider the source." It isn't to be taken in a negative as is often implied, but rather to think about what has been said, by who, and why. It helps me almost daily.   
Soldering Help
Soldering has become second nature to me, especially with the right tools. De-soldering on the other hand can vary by the way of what technique may be best, i.e., exactly what kind of solder was used to begin with, how sturdy (heat wise) are the t... 
Returning damaged item to seller....
Here is MY selling policy: Example #1 You buy item from me and pay shipping. Your happy, then I am happy. Great.  Example #2  You buy item and item is damaged when it arrives. I refund your money AND pay return shipping. Example #3  You buy ... 
Room Treaments - Where To Begin...
oldhvymec,     Another point to consider. Just what can you get by with in the way maybe slightly opening a window with heavy curtains hanging before it? It could go on forever, but still I wonder. I do have a small coat closet in my listening r... 
Soldering Help
 While you will get all kinds of advice, the actual test is to begin practicing on different size wires, using perhaps different solders as well. Personally, I did NOT find my soldering skills to be any good until I found a good soldering station,... 
Room Treaments - Where To Begin...
surfmuz,   Now there is something that I have never considered. You are correct. Makes me wonder how live outside concerts have to deal with since they can't keep the sound 'together?'. It also reminds that when I was young and playing in a marc... 
Room Treaments - Where To Begin...
surfmuz,     There may be a splitting of hairs here. Let's ask the OP to be more exact about the question or provide more information pertaining to his situation.  I do see the relevance of your response, as some do want to 'insulate' their lis... 
Room Treaments - Where To Begin...
surfmuz,   This is a question of room acoustics, not soundproofing a room. Two different topics.  
Next TT
Kenner was my first TT. Why wouldn't you try a step up in the VPI line?  
Products you added to your system in 2021 that made most impact to your music enjoyment
It has mostly been about different phono preamps. One is still on the way (I started this about 1 year ago).  
Room Treaments - Where To Begin...
  Now wouldn't that be a cool job and quite a challenge. "What? I didn't hear anything."