

Responses from 4krowme

Products you added to your system in 2021 that made most impact to your music enjoyment
Found a used Schiit SOL TT and have been enjoying the results of some fine tuning of the setup including isolation, cartridge alignment, changing the back of the pod that holds cables, to accept a DIN connector. Then rerouted the motor power switc... 
The best audio tweak is a soft bristled paint brush...
It occurred to me that a barber's soap brush is a soft and gentle for such dusting. Even the platter of my TT benefits.   
What's the most overrated or overpriced piece of equipment you own, have owned or come by?
Ok, in 45 years, there have been a few dogs. Even so the one that I will never forget were the JohnZer speakers that I bought when I was in high school. They took every last penny of my very hard earned $380 and left town after the purchase. The u... 
Onzow ZeroDust reportedly leaves a residue
Well crap, has anyone tried Easy-off oven cleaner? I bet that will get everything off the stylus.   But really, I would be careful, but not afraid of, a liquid and US device. Seems that it would take a bit of 3D action to remove deposits from th... 
How do you know when a stereo sounds good?
When my mind stops wandering as it usually does, and I am captivated by the performance, music, or noticing something wonderful about a composition that I thought I knew well. Presently, I am disappointed with the system that I have, and need to r... 
Should I redo the AC power in my house?
I did have a decent system to evaluate the difference. At most it was the anticipation for a better sound, but the fact is there was little change. I still wonder if it was due to the fact that I was using a PS Audio Premiere AC regenerator at the... 
Should I redo the AC power in my house?
If there is trouble starting at the power transformer itself, that is where you begin. In my case, the house that I bought was built in 1930. That is reason enough to dig into what should be done for at least recent local code. I called the city e... 
Using SUBWOOFERS internal crossover...
I have GR research sub with that option available. In short, I had to run 2-meter cables to and from it. Didn't like the idea so I used a Velodyne SMS1 to feed the subs and then ran cables back to my amp from its outputs. Also, I have tried a Harr... 
The Decware Pill - Any Experiences?
It was a long time ago that I tried some being shipped here and there to those who were interested. The effect was subtle, and I only heard it in the treble. There two sets sent out, but each one did about the same in my system.  
Strangest Phono Sound I Ever Heard
I agree about the phono pre and motorboating. Haven't heard that term in many years, but it fits the description. Hope you get it repaired since you like the result's when things are right.  
Beat This Track!!!! (For Soundstage effect)
Well then, I couldn't be happier that my 'Amused to Death' is on its way from Acoustic Sounds.  
Cost of Turntable vs. cost of Phono Stage
I have had the misfortune of choosing one mediocre phono stage after another. The only upside finally clearing above the clouds and getting one that I will keep. It is designed by John Broskie of Glassware Audio. The Aikido model that uses 8 12ax7... 
Silver v Copper wire phono cable
What about copper plated silver?🤣   Either way, litz wiring is a plus. I don't care for working with it though.  
Nobsound springs - load range
oldhvymec      Appreciate the idea. It makes sense to me to try and reduce transmitted vibration in some way that does not affect the action of the spring. Of course, I also wonder what the effect might be by the manufacturer to use other alloys... 
Nobsound springs - load range
Or I can just set my entire system on a set of box springs.🤣    I do like the idea of damping the springs. Thinking that a coat of rubberized paint that the spring can be dipped in. I know, I think too much.