

Responses from 4krowme

Dedicated Circuits - Subpanel importance?
  I believe what I believe, BUT it doesn't change the truth. It almost depends on which expert you ask about one phase or two going to a residential home. My understanding is this, 1) that if in fact that two separate conductors were run to a pane... 
How does a modular and configurable center weight for turntables work?
Man, that was a scare. I read the title of this thread as 'Tonearm center weight'. I am still laughing at myself. I didn't re-read the title until I got to the response stating that their weight was 2 pounds! I am still laughing at myself.      ... 
Decoupling cartridges from tone arms
I do like this idea and agree up to a point. My question has to do with those two screws that attach your cartridge to the headshell. Unless I missed something they would have to be isolated as well, or else vibration is transmitted right up those... 
This 60 Hz hum is driving me crazy
Separating the wheat from the chaff in an advice column can be helpful. No offensive intended here. Working mostly with DC circuits and some AC circuits, I found out a lot of lies that sounded right but would lead you in the wrong direction. >&... 
A Second Noise Floor?
We found that when copper telecommunication cable was being buried in Yellowstone Park, things weren't 'normal'. That is, though it is true that ground potential changes geographically, it REALLY changes in Yellowstone Park! Electrolysis big time.... 
This 60 Hz hum is driving me crazy
There is also a product made by iFi for the stated problem. Same idea as Emotiva. We will all be anxious to hear what you discover.  
This 60 Hz hum is driving me crazy
Well crap, Now I Have a Hum.... but I can fix it. Building a new amp this week.  
This 60 Hz hum is driving me crazy
You mentioned using an extension cord. Here is my question. Did you plug the cord into the same electrical circuit as the amp is already on? If there is trouble with that circuit, it may not matter what outlet you use IN THAT CIRCUIT. Make sure th... 
What gear is on the horizon?
 I haven't decided what horns would be in my budget. As of now I am using Mark Audio P12 drivers in a horn loaded (rear) enclosure. While this design has been one of my favorites, it may do good to have at least the midrange driver of a system hor... 
What gear is on the horizon?
 I wouldn't have changed anything except for I DID Change. My hearing that is. As my hearing diminishes, it doesn't seem to be at a linear rate at all frequencies. Odd but true. My ears, I won them.     I have said all of this to tell you that I... 
Power Conditioners
Which power conditioner?   
Who still listens to their First Generation Cd Players?
Way back when, I bought a Sony CD-1. I didn't want to like it at all, but it sounded just fine to me. I was surprised. Been through a few since then, and am stubbornly holding on to an older Cayin CD22 with tubed output. Whatever it does right, I ... 
It's funny to me really. Robert Harleys book IS excellent, but what the Hell were they thinking by putting such corny cover right on the front? A cartoonish playboy on the couch with his girl and a drink. Well, I guess you would have to see it. I ... 
Herbie’s Super Black Hole
Yah, I kinda had the same reaction. LS50's? Pushed into the stratosphere, would they make the floor shake? Maybe it depends on the condition of the brownstone.  
Buyer Dispute
It is obvious to most of us that the tweeters were Damaged Before Shipping. How that might have happened doesn't matter. Defective, non-working equipment is just that. Please keep this community informed as this proceeds.