
Responses from 213runnin

Is the move up to Parasound Halo A21 worth it?
Since last posting in this thread, I’ve changed up my system. Gone is the Oppo 95, replaced with the Nad C 565BEE which was a clear cut improvement. I was hoping for equal performance but didn’t need the universal swiss army knife player, hoping t... 
Silver Wire
Some speaker manufacturers use silver wire in their speakers, such as Tannoy, which also uses silver plated copper wire. 
Most underrated Audio Manufacturers
Nad's integrated amps, the BEE series, are underrated for sure.  The bang for buck factor is off the charts and you save a fair amount because they aren't shiny bling with thick aluminum face plates.  Beauty is only skin deep, after all. 
Power cables
Pixel guy, you're missing the point.  The six feet of the power cable is not the issue.  It's the fact that one is connecting one's component to a power grid, with its noise on the line, fluctuations, and interference from some of your own applian... 
$800 to spend on speakers, $1500 on whole system
The difference in sound qualities of an 1800 system and a 1500 one is probably not worth the 300 though.   
Why do all audio forums on the internet seem "dead" ?
If there is less life in audio forums these days, it's because of the incessant close minded attacks and demands for "proof" when someone posts about improved sonics when trying out a new…anything.  This forum doesn't have these hall monitors to t... 
Gene Simmons says the rock business is dead
I remember when Mick Jagger said that rock was almost dead, and that Grunge saved it.  Grunge just about killed the music business, and then Napster came along.Anyway, Gene Simmons is dead, and Dan Rather sure is dead, so I wouldn't hold my breath... 
$800 to spend on speakers, $1500 on whole system
The chances that a dealer is going to let someone demo speakers at home is pretty slim these days, let's try to be realistic here.   
$800 to spend on speakers, $1500 on whole system
So you've got 600 or less for speakers, after spending 900 for the integrated amp.  Perhaps those encouraging this purchase could advise.  I expect they'll advise you to up your budget.   
Power cables
Hey Waxwizard, maybe you just need to clean out some of that wax! 
Best budget DAC
Edincleve, perhaps you could mention why you are choosing to not employ the built in DAC of the P5.  Did you try it and not like it?  I'd be cautious of the Emotiva products.  The DAC of their I had was not very good sounding in some applications.... 
Universal Players vs. Dedicated CD/SACD Players
jafant, the Nad C565BEE is indeed a fine spinner! I’d forgotten to try the Sample Rate Converter with compressed files. With the Nad, they don’t sound compressed at all, the air and detail has me grinning from ear to ear. By comparison, the Oppo 9... 
$800 to spend on speakers, $1500 on whole system
I recently bought an integrated amp that I'm really impressed with for the money, and at a pretty good discount.  For you I'd suggest the Nad C356DAC, normally it goes for about 900, but is on sale at this time of year as they clear out the factor... 
Universal Players vs. Dedicated CD/SACD Players
Good info Pete, I forgot about the fan.  I would have been curious about the 105, but Nad has made a believer out of me. 
Classe CA200 vs. Parasound Halo A21
The Classe retails for over twice as much as the Parasound A21, so it should be the better amp.  I'm surprised to read that it doesn't double its wattage at 4 ohms though, but being stable at 2 ohms is pretty respectable.Further reading on the amp...