
Responses from 12many

What do you consider the most when choosing a pair of speakers?
Glad to help out. I think it is both. If it sounds bad, then it is a non-starter. However, at some point many speakers sound good. Yes there are some differences - may be one is a bit better in the bass, while another images better, another is a b... 
My thoughts on the HiFi Rose 150B
In-Shore.  Thanks for that info.  We enjoy streaming movies of concerts and then watching on TV and listening.  Glad to hear the Rose can do that as well.  Right now we use a computer and it may not be ideal.  There are some great older content an... 
My thoughts on the HiFi Rose 150B
One feature that I liked about the rose, (I don't own one) is that it had analog inputs.  For people who combine the 2 channel audio with their home theater due to space or other restraints, it seems that the rose can then accept either R/L analog... 
Dynaudio - Made in China vs Denmark
It is hard to know the quality.  Having some experience, some companies set up their own factory and train the workers and buy good equipment for their chinese factories with serious quality control and IMO, those products can be just as good if n... 
How much faster of a sub is the REL T5X vs SVS SB12-NSD
I have 2 SVS subs.  Great for movies and good for music, but not great for music.  My buddy has a sub made for music, and it is much better then my subs.  I have not spent a ton of time messing with min.  Sorry I don't recall the brand.  I think i... 
Monstrous power cables
Honest question. Can someone explain how a expensive power cord is going to over come the 50 to 100 feet of Romex (about 1 $ per foot) that runs from the breaker box to the outlet? I can understand if the stock power cable was worse then the Romex... 
Monstrous power cables
"The electricity is carried through my house probably using 14 gauge wire." This is the key.  Same with streaming.  If your bandwidth from the curb to the house is bad, a 1000$ router is not going to make it any better.   If the source is bad, it... 
Hey - What Happened to the Beware of Viking Acoustics Thread
If I was a good vendor on Audiogon I would be unhappy because members (like me) don’t know who are the good ones and who are the bad ones because the bad vendors seem to be protected by Audiogon. So now I will not spend my money with any of them. ... 
everything sounded great until the upgrade
@grislybutter I am not sure about the equipment.  For a while I had a USB memory stick plugged into the back of an AV receiver.  I also use the USB output (from a computer) with a USB cable into a DAC and from the dac to the amp.  I am transition... 
everything sounded great until the upgrade
grislybutter One thing I wanted to mention as an ex-cd player person - I ripped all my cd to FLAC and now it is all on a USB drive.  This means you don't need a new CD player and it saves space.  Many streamers/dacs can play the digital files dir... 
I don't want to beat a dead horse but I'm bugged.
we can say that we do not want the playback system to be supplying further changes to the recording. Holmz I don't think this gets covered enough.  It is nice have a baseline, and I can understand why people want to be true to original.  Good, ... 
I don't want to beat a dead horse but I'm bugged.
AVS tests measurements. It test well or it doesn’t - facts are facts. Good info but not the final decision for art or what a person likes. Some people like paintings that are hyper detailed (like a photo), some like impressionist paintings, which ... 
How do you make a final decision on a DAC
As others have said, your current dac measures outstanding.  I doubt it is doing anything wrong.   I have read about using Amazon HD music with a PC and as I understand it, it can be challenging to get the best sound out of that software combo due... 
Boutique or Big Brand?
Good post OP.  I am quietly shopping but with a wider price range and instead just focusing on what appeals to my ear in relation to cost.  There are many brands online but hard to find them local to listen to, and ordering and return shipping is ... 
Help - Need recommendation for my Sonus Faber Sonetto V!!
I have been reading about the HiFi Rose  streamer/dac.  I think you can work it into your HT system to use the same amp if your processor has pre amp level outputs.  Might check it out.