
Responses from 12many

How do you make a final decision on a DAC
As others have said, your current dac measures outstanding.  I doubt it is doing anything wrong.   I have read about using Amazon HD music with a PC and as I understand it, it can be challenging to get the best sound out of that software combo due... 
Boutique or Big Brand?
Good post OP.  I am quietly shopping but with a wider price range and instead just focusing on what appeals to my ear in relation to cost.  There are many brands online but hard to find them local to listen to, and ordering and return shipping is ... 
Help - Need recommendation for my Sonus Faber Sonetto V!!
I have been reading about the HiFi Rose  streamer/dac.  I think you can work it into your HT system to use the same amp if your processor has pre amp level outputs.  Might check it out.    
Just installed a bluesound node 2i , quality not so good
OP - My fried had the same product and said the same thing. He returned the BNode. He said it sounded better streaming into a separate DAC and using a different streamer. He ran it with SF Olympica speakers and Macintosh hybrid amp.  I never got a... 
Beginner Question
It looked like Nordost.  I did not see the wood blocks, but I did not look behind the speakers and amp closely.  I will research that.  Thanks.    
Caveat Emptor
Thanks for posting. I think what is important is that it appears you alerted them to issues with the unit within the time frame they outline for no restocking fee. They had you try fixes, instead of immediately shipping another, which were unsucce... 
Buyer Dispute
I am mostly a reader here but at the end of it all I think it is important for the Audiogon community to know who the seller is so the members may make a more educated decision when conducting business.  The facts and feedback are valuable.   
BEWARE OF FRAUD with this member
I have been told to not accept paypal and they don’t help the seller. And, this makes me want to never buy used or through Audiogon. I am shopping for speakers and everyone says buy used, but with risks like this I don’t think it is a good idea. O...