She's on to me

I got home from work today and my wife said "do we have new speakers or something?" "What do you mean?", I say. "Well, the stereo has been on all day and you don't usually leave it on, unless there's a reason." "No we don't have new speakers! Do they look new? I just forgot to turn it off before I left for work". However, I said nothing about the pre-amp I just bought or the cables that I was burning in. ; )

She's getting smart.
No harm. It's hard to convey exactly what I'm thinking and what my emotions are thru a computer screen. I understand it can it can be interpreted many different ways.

Methinks it wasn't the new gear you were trying to 'hide' from your better half, but the fact that you were sereptitiously burning-in cables and an amp. Assuming your non-audiophile wife is as intelligent as you imply (after all, she apparently recognizes the reality of breaking-in speakers), this was probably the way to go. However, don't think for a second that she didn't really know your explanation was BS and is just being kind ;^)
Ecruz, my wife and I met in kindergarten and we've been married 20 years with three great kids. I loved your post! Have fun.
08-11-06: Tvad
That so many male audiophiles sneak around behind their wive's backs, and make jokes out of not getting caught is sad, in my opinion.

Tvad, why?

I do it all the time!!!!

As a matter of fact, I had to sneak in a $6.00 Volex power cord just last week, but got cought and now she filed for divorce!!!

I must be really lucky - I just bought 4 (four!) $6 Volex power cords and my wife applauded me for not buying $200 cords.

I always show her how much I COULD be spending on gear, so my modest system seems like a bargain...
