Cleaning tube sockets

Does anyone know a source for brushes made for cleaning tube socket holes? Pipe cleaners are a tad too large.
When I purchased a Contac cleaner it came with brush-wires that you could thread through the tube sockets.
From my experience, this link will take you to exactly what you are looking for:
CAIG sells cotton swabs that will fit the sockets of a 9 pin mini. They also sell small nylon brushes to fit the octal and larger size sockets.

I was told not to use metal brushes, as you don't want a metal bristle, that has broken off, to suddenly becomes a conductor..."Nothing good can come of this, Will Robinson!!!"
I use the little gum stimulator/anti-periodontal disease brushes from Oral-B that can be found at any drugstore. They work quite nicely for the pupose, and have a robust wire that can be bent into nearly any position. They do tend to shed bristles a bit if you clean with zeal, but you can use another one dry to remove any excess bristles. Good for 9 pin sockets - for anything larger like an octal, you would obviously need something of larger diameter. Good listening,
