6+ year old pc/os. should i upgrade?

looking for some general advise here. just got into pc audio. starting out with a new 1T HD in a 6 year old system ($110). Vista os, intel p4 1.8ghz with 2gb ram. decent sound and video card for it's day...6 years ago. the thing does everything i need. would not upgrade for a couple of years if audio had not gotten into the mix. have priced out some decent box's for about $900-$1000. (windows 7 pro 64, intel i7, 8gb ram, 1g-good graphics,1t++ hd drives ect..) . question is, does this stuff...the guts/os of a computer, have any effect on the sound quality in a wireless pc based system?. if it does, i'd be willing to move the update up. if not...would rather leave everything alone and spend the grand elswhere =).

using a psa perfect wave dac/bridge on a wireless (n) network.

You did not mention the player program you were using on your PC, and yes it does make a difference. I run Mac,but I hear that J River and XX High End are the players of choice.

With that said, a dedicated music server is best. You can strip it down of other functions to keep it clean. Considering your other equipment, I'd highly recommend buying a standalone computer. I'd recommend a tricked out Mac Mini. Put another way, it would most likely make a bigger difference in your rig than any one of your cables as a lower cost.
I have a 6 yr old PC running an older version of Fedora Linux that is my dedicated music server. It's performed flawlessly, and I feel no need to replace it anytime soon.

If your old machine works fine and you really don't want to spend the money on a new one, then it's not completely necessary to upgrade.
