How Long Ago Since You Cried Listening To Music?

For me is was last weekend, The group "Sugarland" singing "Stay".
Thanks Sebrof. Exactly what I was thinking, yet more articulate and nicer too.

Just because I don't cry to music or movies, or some other type of entertainment that makes others cry doesn't mean I'm some emotionless/soul-less douche bag that's not in tune with his emotions.

Music brings about a whole host of emotions for me - gets adrenaline flowing right before a workout and keeps me going when I'm contemplating calling it quits. It puts a huge smile on my face when I'm alone and randomly hear a song my 9 month old daughter has recently started to bop around to. I feel loss when I hear a song that reminds me of a loved one who's passed on.

So not crying tears of joy nor sorrow isn't a real connection to the music? I guess I'm not enlightened enough. Well, at least my friends won't make fun of me for crying, so I've got that going for me, which is nice.
Why would anyone make fun of somebody for crying? I don't understand. I guess if someone you loved dearly passed on and you cried, people would accept this as being OK. But if you were brought to tears while listening to music, your friends might think you were a sissy? Sounds shallow.
For me last night listening to some folk music The Brothers Four , Ian and Silva and many more I heard this style of music as a kid with my parents. I don't know i play folk music all the time and love it but last night thinking about mom and dad [ they passed many years ago ] it just hit me very hard I played records very late in to the night I had tears just flowing down my cheeks for hours music is my link to those memories of a wonderful childhood. Writing this has those feeling over coming me again ……………. I can't write anymore thanks for the thread
The other evening listening to The Guess Who "Live at the Paramount" (which by the way, newest remastered CD from "Master Tapes" is awesome sound and music). Just poured a large, cool bottle of Allagash Curieux ($12) into a beautiful Triple something-or-other crystal goblet a friend gave me as a gift from his tour of Belgium. As I reached for the remote I tipped the glass, knocking it off the side table, and it crashed to the floor. Spent the next 20 minutes picking shards off of and mopping/cleaning the wood floor. First time I ever cried to Burton Cummings.
"Fiddler On the Roof" soundtrack and Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker usually bring a tear to my eye.