How Long Ago Since You Cried Listening To Music?

For me is was last weekend, The group "Sugarland" singing "Stay".

Showing 2 responses by kbarkamian

"If your system doesn't make you cry, you're not an audiophile."

I'm not an audiophile. I have no problems accepting that.
Thanks Sebrof. Exactly what I was thinking, yet more articulate and nicer too.

Just because I don't cry to music or movies, or some other type of entertainment that makes others cry doesn't mean I'm some emotionless/soul-less douche bag that's not in tune with his emotions.

Music brings about a whole host of emotions for me - gets adrenaline flowing right before a workout and keeps me going when I'm contemplating calling it quits. It puts a huge smile on my face when I'm alone and randomly hear a song my 9 month old daughter has recently started to bop around to. I feel loss when I hear a song that reminds me of a loved one who's passed on.

So not crying tears of joy nor sorrow isn't a real connection to the music? I guess I'm not enlightened enough. Well, at least my friends won't make fun of me for crying, so I've got that going for me, which is nice.