any early 80's alt/soft punk fans out there?

great time for music imo. new sounds, edgy but musical and sometime.....downright deep/moving. never got into the really hardcore punk seen. liked the softer side destruction alot better =)

just finished a psychedelic furs binge tonight. had joy division/early new order on all weekend. planning on reminiscing with lou reed/velvet underground and early rem later this week.

haven't really listened to this stuff much in recent memory. not sure why?. i own almost everything these bands ever put out but still rarely give them a turn anymore?.

early furs with all that sax and mr butler's near painful voice =). i'm gonna grab some tickets for their upcoming show at house of blues (chicago). i'm sure it won't be as crazy as the shows back then but the music will still be great. didn't even know they were touring.

really enjoyed joy division and after the death of Ian....early new order stuff. incredible music considering their roots. new order eventually lost their edge but back then....they were it!

any other fans out there?
ok guys....cow punk? kinda get what it is but have never heard to it referred to as that. don't really get the cow part?.

never heard jason & scorchers. just grabbed a few of their tunes on my ipod to check um out. sound pretty good....surprised i wasn't on to them?. good call on the pixis and los lobos.....some good stuff there too

i had a love/hate relationship with the hard core stuff. enjoyed going to live shows but just couldn't get into it by myself/alone at home. it was a "social thing" to me....go out and crazy music. couldn't just sit at home and listen to the stuff. still can't. i guess that makes me a wanna bee lol!
Waltersalas: Missed Jason--never even on my radar, to tell you the truth. I was too busy going to Blaster, Beat Farmer and Meat Puppet shows to take notice. :)

Levy03: Cow punk was DIY countrified punk.

Yeah, I forgot the Meat Puppets out of Arizona!!!!
Soft punk. Funny.
Only Ones, certainly. I was a little kid and all that (junkie) swagger got to me. Generation X, Rich Kids (completely underrated), Buzzcocks, of course, and Real Kids. So many. Dictators, Elliot Murphy, the Skids ("Sweet Suburbia" over and over), Jim Carroll, the Saints' second album, Eternally Yours, UK pop-punk band the Boys (brilliant), first Cheap Trick album ... Johnny Thunders' So Alone and David Johanson's first two solo ...
the Beat (every song's a single on the debut ...), Shoes, that first 20/20 record (anyone remember seeing the band do "Remember the Lightening" on American Bandstand?), Undertones, Vapors (forget "Turning Japanese," the band was great.)
Penetration (underrated, particularly the song "Shout Above the Noise"),
Onto the Church, Echo and the Bunnymen, and la la la... growing up ...
Bongofury,You should be drawn and quartered for even uttering the name of the great band Los Lobos in this mostly,how can I put it nicely,oh yeah,crap !!!!!!!!