Stealth Dream V10 Power Cords

When the Dream V10 speaker cable came to market I upgraded from the prior version, and the V10 solved the Dream's issue of having very little bass relative to the rest of the audible spectrum.

I also use Dream power cords (digital, preamp, power amp) but have not upgraded to the V10. Do the V10 power cords bring the extra bass needed to balance the spectrum like the speaker cable does? If so, to what degree relative to the speaker cable?

Thanks to all for responses.
Stealth cables are one of the most neutral and natural cables on the market. PAD cables give warmth and coloration in lower midrange so it can fix problems in the system chain - nothing wrong with it though. They act like tone controls. If your system sounds mechanical and dry with Stealth cables you should take a look at your components - garbage in garbage out.
Hello Laza , are you a Stealth reseller per any hazard ???

I nerver heard that CEC TL0X, JADIS JS1, LAMM gears, Egglestonwork ANDRA 111 or even a Magnum Dynalab MD 102T could sound dry or mechanical, funny.....

Sound like no cables at all did not really exist for me, but i agree that PAD cables ad some "romanticism" and why not ?
LAZA are you a STEALTH reseller per any hazard ????
Never heard that LAMM product, CEC, JADIS or even ANDRA 111 and MAGNUM DYNALAB (tube tuner) to be sounding dry or mechanical......
Rocci007, interesting set-up you have some nice pces. We have one thing in comin, "Magnum Dynalab" I have a MD109T. I must say your last comments really made me laugh :-) Just shows different strokes for different folks.

Laza you wrote exactly what I was thinking and I do agree.
Some folks want warmth and musicality, others want resolution and transparency. That's why they make so many different flavors. :)