Torn between two IC's... Please help...

I'm torn between Goertz Silver Sapphire and Morrow MA-4's... Currently I have Goertz copper mircopurls going from my Bifrost dac to my NAD 326bee... My plan is to move the copper microlpurls in the place of the pre-amp jumpers and buy a new set of ic's to go from the Bifrost to the NAD... I only need a 1/2 meter for the run... I wish I knew how the MA-4's compared to the Silver Sapphire Goertz... Any help would be greatly appreciated...

Hey Tom6897... I did say that I would wait and I am gonna do it... Does my post say anything different than that? No, I was posting what I have noticed about the cables and also having conversation about the Goertz cables... I have also stated in the past that even at 2 to 3 months I have noticed changes with my other cables and that I'm a firm believer in cable burn in... And yes, I know that patience is a virtue... I was just stating what I've noticed with the cables...
I think it was the "but I don`t think it`s looking too promising" that tom is responding to.
Maybe, but I usually have my bass at the 1-2 o'clock position and my treble at the 2 o'clock position... With the Morrows I have them both cranked and the bass and treble are both lacking... I'm not shooting the cables down, but just stating what I have noticed with them and I'm still gonna give them the full break-in with the hopes that they pull through for me as I do like the soundstage better than the Micropurls... For the bass and treble to be off by that much, I think I might have been correct with what I said Charles... Maybe I'm wrong... If thats the case than I do apologize...

If the morrows do pull through for me (and I hope they do) I will end up ordering a 9' pair of the Morrow SP-4's as well...
I feel your pain. I am currently auditioning a new piece of equipment (only 30 day trial) and all this critical listening can tend to take the fun out of listening after a while. I am now playing very familiar music and listening critically for a good hour or so, than I just leave the music playing for a few more hours while I just enjoy it while tacking on break-in time. I also have Morrow spkr. cable and IC pre to amp., and lack of bass or treble is not an issue at all. Good luck.