Torn between two IC's... Please help...

I'm torn between Goertz Silver Sapphire and Morrow MA-4's... Currently I have Goertz copper mircopurls going from my Bifrost dac to my NAD 326bee... My plan is to move the copper microlpurls in the place of the pre-amp jumpers and buy a new set of ic's to go from the Bifrost to the NAD... I only need a 1/2 meter for the run... I wish I knew how the MA-4's compared to the Silver Sapphire Goertz... Any help would be greatly appreciated...


Showing 2 responses by winoguy17

The Morrows come with a 30 day trial. Use it. If you dont like it, send them back. With all respect to Schubert, I think its quite a reach for someone on an internet forum to tell you exactly how a cable is going to sound with your system ,in your room , with your ears! Hey, he could be spot on too,but you should definitely try them yourself.
I feel your pain. I am currently auditioning a new piece of equipment (only 30 day trial) and all this critical listening can tend to take the fun out of listening after a while. I am now playing very familiar music and listening critically for a good hour or so, than I just leave the music playing for a few more hours while I just enjoy it while tacking on break-in time. I also have Morrow spkr. cable and IC pre to amp., and lack of bass or treble is not an issue at all. Good luck.