Under 1500$ Solid State Amp for Usher Be-718

Looking for the best used solid state amp for under $1,500.

This will be used in a small room (13x12x10) with a sub for music and HT use.

Any suggestions would be welcomed.
The Musical Fidelity M3i lists for $1500. I just bought one and I'm loving it.
I don't think Musical Fidelity is considered a warm sounding amp. At least this is my experience with their onlder gear. I have not heard their newer stuff.
The Usher amp does, in my opinion, have a very good sense of midrange warmth and does quite wel with the Usher 718 speakers.
Any of the amplifiers mentioned would work just fine with these speakers.
I used to have BE-718..but didn't really like the bass. At least 200wpc for the spkrs to perform the best...imho
Noticed there's a nice McCormack DNA-1 Rev A available now for $1400 that might pair nice with the be-718s. Best of luck.
How about Usher R- 1.5 Power Amp for
tube like presentation and good midrange
and Bass.