Is there a fined Solid state Pre Amp for under 8k?

This year I sold a Ayre K5xe preamp and a Parasound JC-2 each had their own the strengths and weaknesses but neither was quite a keeper. The JC2 was too lean sounding but very open, the Ayre was more balanced tonally but lacked the openness. If I could blend the best characteristics of these two preamps together, I would be very happy. Anyone out there have another solid state recommendation? Any help would be appreciated
I use an Audia Flight; list is $7000 and often available for considerably less. There is a long review on one of the on- line mags; Dagogo I think. I really like it. It has a Class A output stage and both balanced and RCA outputs and is quite attractive in my opinion; Italians are good at designing metal objects.
I thought Klyne was gone, their web site was not working for months. They used to sound very nice
I am more of a tube person, but, I do own two solid state linestages/preamps--a Placette Active and a Levinson No. 32 (preamp). In terms of sound, I actually like the cheaper Placette Active more than the Levinson (a tad too polite sounding, not dynamic or vivid), though the Levinson is fantastically controllable and flexible.

I am also a fan of Ayre for solid state amplification.