Good amp match for vinatge Vandersteen 2C's?

I recently bought a pair of these in great condition. I'm finding the treble a little on the soft/warm side. Any amp suggestions that will help balance out the sound? I'm thinking Bryston.
I'm using a Krell KST 100 with my Vandersteen 2's. It doesn't offer the smoothest upper mid/treble but it helps to offset the Vandersteens. I also have a Rotel RB 1080 that I like and that works well. They talk about Vandersteens being so good you can drive them with amps costing more than $5K but in the real world people who buy Vandersteens used for $600 aren't buying such expensive amps. I've heard a McCormack DNA 0.5 on Vandersteen 2Ci's that sound nice too.
When Stereophile reviewed the 2C's back in 1987 they used a Krell KSA 50. When I bought the Vandersteens I started with a Counterpoint SA-12 but when it started having reliability problems I remembered the review and I bought the Krell for a good price. That was back in the early '90's..I don't buy audio equipment very often. The Krell does bass very well and it's surprisingly good throughout the frequency range.
Krell does bass better than anything else. However, I don't think Vandersteen 2Cs need help in that area. If you want the best from your 2Cs use Audio Research.