VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?

I'm contemplating my next upgrade. Thought you guys could help.

I spin mostly vinyl. I have a great analogue front end that feeds a VAC Standard LE pre and VAC PHI 200 amp, both of which I love. The MC stage on the pre is really good, but a little noisy (hiss). Kevin is sending me new 12AX7s that Brent will test for very low noise at the VACtory. Those guys just rock!

My question, however, is how much do I need to spend on an outboard MC phono stage if I want a significant upgrade to the already wonderful sound of the built-in stage?

I know, why don't I just enjoy the wonderful sound? Because it's upgrade time, baby! There will always be a next level (we really need a 12 step group for this hobby).

I'm looking at the Zesto Andros ($3900), the Herron VTPH-2 ($3700), and possibly the new Manley Chinook ($2200).

Ideally, I could audition these in my system, but the nearest dealer is far away, so I'll have to order one.

Any thoughts are welcome. Thanks,
Alón (no, not Wolf)
Ag insider logo xs@2xalonski
I am using the Aesthetix Io Sig. with dual mono power supplies. These are fantastic, but are not cheap.
From what Brent at VAC told me, their stand-alone phonostage will be a two-box, four-input affair retailing for around the price of a current Sig mk IIa preamp without the phono option, so it'll be pricey. It will integrate into the Sig mk IIa as a three-box preamp with the PS driving both linestage and phonostage. Target date is maybe next summer but that could easily change and probably will. I have a MC/MC phono in my Phi Beta preamp and it is wonderful. I've come to prefer it to my Steelhead II. The new VAC phono is supposed to be essentially the same circuit.

As a VAC and Zesto dealer who works with people all over the country I don't understand why you can't demo the Zesto in your own home. We certainly can arrange it if the situation makes sense.

Kevin has been threatening a phono stage for at least the 5 years I've been a dealer. I pushed like crazy for it for a good two years and eventually gave up.
Alonski, Yes I built my phono stage. You can read some of the details on my system page. I am not aware of a commercial product very similar to it, but there could be. Many mfrs use the 12AX7 because it is readily available and it is certainly capable of decent sound. However, when you want the best sound and the quietest noise level, you have to look beyond the 12AX7.
Hello J from Audiorevelation,

Kevin never seems to be in a hurry. His built-in phono stages are so good that his outboard has to be a game changer. I wouldn't be surprised if he's been quietly experimenting for years.

What is your opinion J? Is the Zesto better than VAC's built-in? I assume you've AB'd them at your store... Have you compared any other phono stage with the VAC?