Impedance Mismatch: A.I. M3A, Krell KSA100

I've read opposing views elsewhere on whether there is a sound degrading impedance mismatch between the Audible Illusions M3A preamp, with an output impedance of 1.2 K and the Krell KSA100 power amp, with an input impedance of 22 K.

Something tells me that there is a definitive answer out there.

I own a KSA100 and I'm considering the M3A for use with that amp.

Thanks in advance for any first hand experience or expert advice!
Sonnyyoung: Later Krells tend to have much higher input impedance ratings. The KSA100S has 47K for instance.

Jcus: Could you provide more detail on length and capacitance you are referring to for interconnect cables?
The output coupling cap value should be large enough as to not roll off the bass. Need to know the value of those caps to help you. If they are over 3.3uf or so you will be fine.
Nolanh, AI Recommends, when the M3a is connected to an amplifier with a low input impedance, keeping the interconnect cable shorter than 10 feet. Typically, the M3a has 5uf coupling caps so you should encounter no problem. Regards, AI Technical
I hope you figured out by now -- stay away from tube stuff with Krell. You should not have to use your hard earned money and have to guess if this tube amp or preamp or whatever tube at any cost will work with a krell amplifier -- Hell get a krell and finish it.......Go to any tube amp or tube preamp discuss (forum) and that's all you hear..Try this amp with this tube but you have to make sure this is that .. how about plug it in and listen...or if you put this new tube from russia in instead of the factory tube in your $10,00 amp you will blow everything away but first you have to break the tube in for 500 hours to make it sound its best and replace the tube after 1,ooo hours -- HUH. If you have a tube preamp get a tube amplifier, if you have a solid state preamp -- stick with a solid state amp whether its from arc, Krell, mark levison, or whoever. Use your head -- unless you enjoy listening to all the tube technical experts, engineers... and that sweet midrange your hearing is coloration... just throwing it out there......couldn't resist -- this is the KREll Forum -- Arc is over there with the Tubes, coupling, caps, bass roll off, 3.3 what .. cable shorter than 10ft...ratio, have a guy build you a impedence matcher.. really - really wow...that should cover all the bases... BUY A Krell Plug it in with what ever length cable and sit back and enjoy.....
tube guys I couldn't resist....
I know if I would just take the time to learn how to roll a tube....etc...ok ok I'll stop.. You guys can rip me up now.

When you buy a Krell Amplifier in the manual it states beware if you use a tube component (just pointing that out). I think you can get world class sound from tube components and I'am sure many, many people have had success but .. after listening to the above .. what do you think!
Just saying.......
Thanks for all the responses.

I'm in a different position since I moved away from big cities, now. I'm 2 hours away from Boston and Nashua, NH. Those being the closest with shops that might carry and lend equipment for trying out.

I once used an A.I. M2 with a KSA50, hence the M3A idea as a way to lower the risk of a bad surprise.

So Scoutdog, just to be clear, I should go with a Krell, right?

Seriously though, I've tried a PAM3, PAM5 but those particular preamps didn't move me at the time. Maybe some of the better ones, but the budget is not high.

Thanks again.