

Responses from nolanh

Audible Illusions M3A preamp just stopped outputting any signal
Wow, I’m really impressed with all the help. I had forgotten I started this thread until today. Senioritis maybe, haha. It turns out it was user error after all. I remember checking for the mute button But it must have been on during the signal. I... 
Impedance Mismatch: A.I. M3A, Krell KSA100
Thanks for all the responses. I'm in a different position since I moved away from big cities, now. I'm 2 hours away from Boston and Nashua, NH. Those being the closest with shops that might carry and lend equipment for trying out. I once used an A... 
Impedance Mismatch: A.I. M3A, Krell KSA100
Sonnyyoung: Later Krells tend to have much higher input impedance ratings. The KSA100S has 47K for instance.Jcus: Could you provide more detail on length and capacitance you are referring to for interconnect cables?