Alternative to 12AX7-EH tube to tubes

I purchased a new to me preamp a couple of weeks ago and would like to replace the tubes. I am a first time tube owner and would appreciate any and all advice. It's an Aronov and is connected to a McIntosh 752.

I would like to lower my noise floor and reduce how hot the signal is on my preamp out. Basically, I want to be able to turn the gain on my amp back up.

Would a Sovtek 5751 be a good alternative?

I want to keep my highs detailed, lows fat, and the mids rich and full.

Go to "Joe's Tube Lore" at . He has done a rather exhaustive study on input tubes and has compared most all of the different types of small tubes .
I found it a nice place to start .

Good luck .

Both posts here are excellent ideas. Andy @ Vintage Tubes, and Joe's tube lore...

I'm wondering though, why move off of the 12AX 7 TO BEGIN WITH?

There are a lot of these types of tubes around which should meet your needs. Amperex Bugle boy 12AX7's ought to fit very well. Quite extended, dynamic, and very clean & clear window to the music. I use a combo of these and RCA 12AT7s in my preamp.
You can reduce gain with 12at7 40%,12au7 80%,jjtesla makes both of them,tube depot is a nice place to start.
Best pre-amp tubes are made by Telefunkens, may be expensive, but thats what you pay for a quality. I love smooth plated.
I would definitely try a 5751(GE black plate or Tung Sol))which has a gain factor of 70, while the 12AX7 is rated at 100, so you would have a 30% gain reduction. I think the 12AT7 mentioned by Yogiboy and rated at 60 might be too drastic a reduction at 40% gain reduction. I think this is especially true if the Aronov has a phono stage.