Classe DR-6 or Adcom GFP-750

Has anybody heard these two preamps and if so which would you recommend? I like the idea of a passive preamp if it matches up well with my amp and source. The Classe if quite a bit older of course. Thanks.
I've heard them, and they are two VERY different animals. The DR-6 is a great SS preamp, IMHO. Warm, sweet, as close to tubelike as SS gets. The Adcom is more detailed and extended, though a bit sterile sounding for my tastes. So it would depend on which direction you wish to go in, as their sonic signatures head in opposite directions.

John is right on. The Classe is far superior in every way. Just my two cents.
I had the classe 5 and it was a much nicer preamp then the adcom I had before. Very warm and full sounding.
I'd surely take Classe over Adcom from what I've heard over the years for reasons mentioned above.