Amplifier Weight. A Factor?

With majority of the good high-end amplifiers exceeding 100lb, it is actually painful to move them. So, here are questions to all.
Is amplifier’s weight a factor in your amplifier selection?
If you own heavy weight amps (i.e. Krell FPB600/180lb, Levinson 33/365 lb), how do you handle them without scratch?

Jtgofish, if it`s one thing most Class D amps aren`t is cheap. Very poor bang for the buck.
If you've got huge amps....make sure you plan carefully where you plan to put them, or have an understanding friend to help you move them. I have four Pass Labs X-600 behemoths....impossible for one guy to safely move around. Big and very awkward to handle at 150 lbs each. I keep a six-pack of beer in the fridge as a reward for friends to help me move stuff around.

The fact is, if you've decided to go with big stuff, you'd better factor in having someone to help you move it around. There is no way I would ever consider trying to move any of my stuff around without help....too dangerous because of personal injury and the huge potential to deface your equipment.

Get your calf gouged by a heat sink fin of a 150 pound'll wise up quickly.

I always keep two pair of work gloves pair for me and one for my friend that's helping me.
Based on sound quality and watts per channel, I think you are way off base. I have never seen a set of 500wpc monoblocks to compete with my Bel Canto's for $4000....maybe you could find a set of used Parasound JC-1's for that, but of course this is apples to oranges as used switching amps are also available on the Gon. In addition, I find the sound quality to be as good or better than highly regarded amps I have owned before such as the Pass X350 which is a house and sucks current while acting as a space heater....hmm, ever think of your electricity bill? The newer amps use a small fraction of the power of large class A units.
Sbrtoy, those ICE amps I mentioned earlier are A/B'D using Bel Canto Ref 1000 amps so your opinion may be way off base, it sure will be interesting to see what these amps can do, and to think they way 7.5lbs each!
There are new Red Dragon Minis that put out 125 watts in 8 ohms for $250 each. This is more wattage than I need, but given how great the 500 watters sound, I will probably buy a pair. Weight is to be announced but they will certainly be light weight. See 6moons news.