Great, Physically Unobtrusive High-end Speakers?

I'm considering replacing my 44" tall floor-standing boxes with something much less obtrusive, even if I go to monitors and a sub, in a medium-size living room with open floor plan. Don't care about loud rock and roll but I listen to just about everything else.

I'd love to get some recommendations from you guys and gals. Thanks!
yes , i may have not phrased that properly . Speakers like : Magnepan , Martin Logan , Pretty much all electostats - Planars . I beleive the Audio Physics also radiate sound in a figure 8 pattern . I am sure i am leaving out some . Anyone else can add to the list
Seems like Companies like Dynaudio , PMC , Focal , ATC , Adam , That cater to both Pro and home markets seem to get sound right .
You guys are great! Thanks very much for all the input. So many excellent choices!

I should have a pair of "mystery" speakers to demo by the end of the week and will report back. If I love 'em, they'll likely be keepers and I'll let you know what they are.

Since I've awakened the sleeping audio bug within, dormant for about a decade, I've learned a great deal. Tastes change, room configurations change. Budgets certainly change as well as priorities. One example is I sure miss my old Linn turntable. I sold it to my brother to "upgrade" to something else, but in retrospect that Linn was a very fine piece of gear and I wish I had it now.

Ooops- I'm derailing my own thread with OT stuff. :) It's really about speakers.
I have a pair of soundfield audio m1 monitors that are incredible for the price I paid for them. They have active 8 inch long throw woofers augmented with a kef uni-q coax mid driver for better off axis response. These speakers essentially take the room out of the equation. Check out the thread about them on audio circle.