What kind of power cord comes with expensive gear

I was just pondering power cords today . I started wondering what kind of power cords come with expensive gear . Over A few grand up to cost no object pieces . If they come with run of the mill black rubber shielding cords i can convince myself to never buy an aftermarket power cable again .

Any owners of said equipment or with knowledge on this subject please chime in .
Being a member of an audio club , I've participated in a hundred and one blind tests and I could pick out most cords without difficulty , it's really not that difficult if you know what to listen for . Try it for yourself someday you might learn something .

Schipo you just lost the farm again .
02-20-13: Tmsorosk

everytime u picked out in a blind test with no problem most power cords without diffculty? Not at all thats just bunk and I can smell it miles away...the stench is high in your corner and as I stated earlier. Your mommy must have told you that you were special..your not.
Schipo , to bad your ears aren't as good as your nose .
Many people can't hear small changes in audio , I guess your one of them , nothing wrong with that , but getting rude and insulting is just plain childish .
Is that the way you want to depict yourself ?