How long does it take you to install a cartridge?

I have spent a at least a few to several hours installing a cartridge from beginning to end on my VPI table and was wondering how long it takes others.
With a familiar cartridge on my own rig, 30-45 minutes is typical for a reasonable setup. After that I tweak while listening... a never-ending process, as Onhwy61 noted.

That's after 10 years of working with multiple tonearms and dozens of cartridges. It used to take days and several gallons of sweat, lol.

I use just three tools: a small screwdriver, an alignment protractor and a VTF scale. Like many, I've got all kinds of gizmos but I now find they add little if any value to the process or the result.
Every time I do it I think I should have been a surgeon and made more money. But now with a linear tonearm the process is at least more efficient.
I use to use a Mint LP with my Graham Supreme. It took at least an hour to get it spot on. I used the Graham jig for the first time, 2 months ago. It sounds better than the Mint alignment and took less than 5 minutes to get the cart properly aligned on the arm wand. More time is required to get the appropriate tracking weight and azimuth.
Well about 45 minutes, the best advice from mikey F is spot not attempt with any potential distractions.
What Pops said,

"do not attempt with any potential distractions. "

Be 100% focused or risk a possible disaster with you cartridge.

Takes me about 30 minutes for initial set up. That's using the VPI protractor. Then maybe another hour to get it spot on with the Wally tractor.