Wilson Audio MAXX resistors

I am about to replace resistors on my MAXX-1 which is in use for the last 10 years. There is no information in the instruction manual and i have absolutely no idea which resistors are to be used for mid/hi freq.. Does anybody have any information on the effect and procedure for resistor replacement/selection.
Why take the issue so personally? You didn't design or build the speakers, and everyone, no matter how gifted, makes a mistake now and then, even Dave Wilson. It's not that big a deal.
I had to replace my resistors. I accidentally turned the volume to high after a few glasses of wine. Sound became muddy and imaging was reduced. I thought I blew my tweeters but it was just the resistors. Changed them and everything snapped back.

Did they say how often you should change the reisistors?
Polk432 wrote,

"Probably not is right...I'm above listening to SS."

Polk432 and Geoffkait,
Really? What happened to "seperate but equal." It is very sad if we begin to define ourselves, or our worth by the type of amplification devices that we use.
It may or may not be that a design flaw caused the resistor failure, but in the scheme of things, it is not very important, and surely not a reason for hard feelings.