help me decide speakers for two channel audio

Currently deciding between B&W 802 Nautilus, Wilson Audio Sophia 2. Von Schweikert VR5. Driving them with EAD sig preamp and lexicon two channel amp, using musical fidelity CD player. Buying used so auditioning not possible. Can consider any other brands in the same range.
You'll get a lot of great advice but buying speakers without an audition is the crap shoot to end all crap shoots.

All the best,
I second the Egleston, but at that price point I'd LOVE
Rockport. I think they're much more coherent...well, they
sound better...than any of the 3 you listed.

These are on Agon, but may be too big for you
I have both the Nautilus 802 and the Sophia ones in my home now and have had them both in my two channel system over the past 6 years. Let me say they are both great speakers and I could live with either for the rest of time. My preference though would be the Sophia ones for there ease of listening on all music I throw at them. My system is and will be for years to come consist of VTL MB125s,Audible Illusios Modulas 3B pre w/the John Curl moving coil stage, Wilson Audio Sophia 1, VPI Super Scoutmaster/Dynavector DRY XV1 cart and a Wadia 26/8 combo for digital. At times I swap out the Modulas with a Lamm LL2.1 pre with an Allnic 1201 phono. Please bear in mind my Sophias are the ones and not the improved Sophia two's.
This will come down to which speaker does best with the aspects of sound reproduction that are most important to you. Without that information recommendations are not very helpful or meaningful. Tell us what you're looking for and you'll get much better advice here.

That said, I also noticed Vandy 5, Aerial 20T, and Rockport Mira for sale in your price range that are also excellent speakers.
SLightly below your price range are the Avalon Eidolon Diamonds. I think they outperform all but the Egglestonworks.