Can't decide on Integrated Amp - Please Help

Hi, really trying to find the best deal I can on a used integrated amp. My current set up is

Monitor Audio RX6 speakers
Oppo 105

Looking for a strong integrated that if I wish to upgrade my speakers will easily handle the change.

Looking at spending no more than $3,000 for a used example and would love some help. I stream most of my music through the Oppo instead of CD's and listen to a lot of Pink Floyd, Dave Matthews, Sting etc

Few choices i have outlined and really hard to be able to audition anything and would like it to match the speakers and Oppo well

Rega Elicit - R
Krell S550i
Hegel 200 or 300 if can afford (is the DAC much better than the 105)
Stello ai500
Saw a PLINIUS HAUTONGA Intergrated A but don't know too much about company.
Modwright 200

My room is around 15 x 15 with wood floors

Thanks in advance for help
I agree with the Ayre recommendation, love mine! It make a very noticeable difference in all areas when I changed to it from my previous Classe Cap 151 integrated.
Yes, LSA Statement is incredible. About $3500 new, but you can find used now and then here. Mine is powerful, clear, transparent, and vivid. Easily bested my Audio research VS-115 I had a while ago.

And you can't go wrong with Ayre.
I like Joe Appierto rec. hard to go wrong with Conrad Johnson ! Should last you thru several speaker upgrades as well.It sounds like CJ would fit what you value in sound as well.Also great service,should you need it.Still kicking myself for selling my CJ amp,and will buy another when able.Best sound I've had with my system.
CJ CA-200 @ 3,000.00 used,I think new retail is 6500.00 .Probably my next purchase. But I will have to sell my Supratek Chardonnay to swing it.Whatever you end up I hope it brings you much joy.
The cj CA200 does get overlooked. I have not heard the 200 but it does share some design circuitry with the mighty Premier 350 which is the best balanced sounding amp I have heard. If you keep your MA RX6 or move up the MA line it should be a perfect fit to keep the aggressive MA treble tamed.