First foray into Class A amp -- recommendations

Thinking of checking out a Class A(or quasi) amp just to see if the sound is really better than a nice Class A/B amp. I want to buy a used amp and my budget is $2500-3000. My current class A/B amp is a McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe, rev. A.

I've been looking at a lot of amps here on A'gon and what I have come up with so far is the Krell KSA-200S, which, from what I read in reviews, operates largely in Class A into 8 ohm loads up to 200 wpc.

Considering that my McCormack is a pretty decent amp, do you expect that the Krell would offer a significant upgrade in my priority areas of bass slam and control, mid range transparency, and natural high frequencies? I also welcome any other suggestions or ideas. Thanks!
I think you're making a mistake getting another amp if you're also looking at getting new speakers sometime soon. I'd figure out the speakers first and then figure out which class A amp you want to play with. It may turn out that 30 class A Watts are more than enough depending on your speaker choice. That said, if I'm you I'd be very tempted to try the Pass XA 30.5 on sale here as it seems like it could drive your current speakers, and if you need more power in the future you could likely sell it for little loss. Best of luck.
The Belles SA-30 - from what I can tell a little-known poweramp, but going by its sound quality a regular thoroughbred the should play second fiddle to none, and therefore deserves much more recognition.

The specified 30 watts belies its actual capabilities; I've been told it driving a pair of S.P. Technology Revelation's with ease, and through my moderately sensitive speakers (93dB's) sounds completely effortless even with high SPL (100dB+ peak) Blu-ray playback.

The Sound Stage review appears to be a rather accurate representation of its sonic virtues:
I used to own the Pass Labs XA 30.5 (now own XA 60.5 monos). The XA 30.5, which is in your price range, is a special amp if your speakers are efficient enough. Pass has recommendations on its website as to minimum efficiency and I think it is accurate based on my experience. It is really a lot more than 30 watts. I owned the McCormack DNA 0.5 for about 10 years and I remember it fondly as one of my best audio purchases, but the Pass IMO is better.

Well, yes, the McCormack is pretty good. I just thought I'd check out a nice used big class A amp and see how much difference, if any, I can discern. If not, I can just sell it. I will never know unless I check it out for myself.
I don't own Accuphase (yet) but have heard them at several consecutive CES shows. All I can say is they're the real deal. They are dynamic, transparent, and sublime. It's pretty damn realistic overall. With a great build and parts quality as well. To be on the safe side, I would partner the Class A amps with efficient speakers, but I've heard of good results with less efficient speakers too.