First foray into Class A amp -- recommendations

Thinking of checking out a Class A(or quasi) amp just to see if the sound is really better than a nice Class A/B amp. I want to buy a used amp and my budget is $2500-3000. My current class A/B amp is a McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe, rev. A.

I've been looking at a lot of amps here on A'gon and what I have come up with so far is the Krell KSA-200S, which, from what I read in reviews, operates largely in Class A into 8 ohm loads up to 200 wpc.

Considering that my McCormack is a pretty decent amp, do you expect that the Krell would offer a significant upgrade in my priority areas of bass slam and control, mid range transparency, and natural high frequencies? I also welcome any other suggestions or ideas. Thanks!

Showing 1 response by pnmeyer

I used to own the Pass Labs XA 30.5 (now own XA 60.5 monos). The XA 30.5, which is in your price range, is a special amp if your speakers are efficient enough. Pass has recommendations on its website as to minimum efficiency and I think it is accurate based on my experience. It is really a lot more than 30 watts. I owned the McCormack DNA 0.5 for about 10 years and I remember it fondly as one of my best audio purchases, but the Pass IMO is better.