Which high power SET

I'm looking for a high power SET to drive harbeth shl5, using Shindo masseto pre amp.

Have short listed Verdier 845, Audion black shadow and Wavac MD805m. All three should drive harbeth sufficiently. Any opinions on the above 3 amps are most welcome, especially thoughts on matching with shindo pre amp.
You might consider Japanese Triode. They have a nice TRX-M845 SE amplifiers. May be a little to much to spend to drive your Harbeths.
I own Cary 805 monos which are also probably worth a listen if there's a dealer in your 'hood.
i owned a wavac 572 years ago w/ watt puppy6s. bass was always an issue, clipped a lot, but never had that midrange tone in my room before.

haven't since either. and i'm still trying.

volume pots in signal path are best removed. found build quality was fair at best, and also had a burned wire requiring a fix (really amps are simple enough circuit anyone local can fix it). cary being in states would matter to me just in case...
hifiharv ;
Any suggestions on that PSE suggestion ?
Feel free to PM me , if you wish .
I'll bet a dollar sounds real sells the brand he recommends (and didn't disclose it.)